64 Studio



64 Studio is a collection of software for digital content creation on x86_64 hardware (that's AMD's 64-bit CPUs and Intel's EM64T chips). It's based on the pure 64 port of Debian GNU/Linux, but with a specialised package selection and lots of other customisations. It will be marketed to hardware OEMs in the creative workstation and laptop markets as an alternative to the 64-bit version of Windows XP, or OS X on Apple hardware.

64 Studio是一份软件套装,面向x86_64硬件平台上的数字内容创作,支持AMD的64位CPU及Intel的EM64T芯片。它基于Debian GNU/Linux的纯64位版本,但它进行了特定的软件包选取,并带有大量其他定制。它将被提供给硬件OEM厂商,这涉及工作站和笔记本电脑市场,以作为64位Windows XP或Apple硬件之上OS X之外的一种选择。


• 64 Studio Manual
• 64 Studio Tutorials


• 64 Studio Homepage
• 64 Studio Wikipedia
• 64 Studio开源百科
• 64 Studio开源下载