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The Open For Business Project: Rule Engine Guide

Written By: David E. Jones, [email protected]
Last Updated: 15 March 2002

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The OFBiz Rule Engine is based on logic programming technologies that have existed for various decades. The most notable logic programming language is Prolog, although others do exist. Since the invention of Prolog many variations on the theme have appeared, and many exist now as business rule engines, constraint based optimization engine, etc.

Some products in the market for Java compatible logic engines and variants include ILOG JRules and various other rule and constraint technologies (, Blaze Advisor ( and YASU Tech QuickRules ( There are also a number of open source and research efforts in place, most notable JESS from some guys at the Sandia National Labs. Two open source projects on SourceForge that deserve mention are under the projects names drools and info-sapient. Other interesting open source projects include Mandarax, and ...

The basic idea behind a rule or logic language is that rather than specifying a set of instructions to run in a certain order like traditional imperative languages you specify facts and rules. A rule is simply an assertion with preconditions. If all of the preconditions are met then the assertion is added to the base of known facts, or the knowledge base. A fact is really just a rule with no preconditions so the assertion is always added to the knowledge base.

The ruleset can be used in two different ways: forward chained and backward chained. Backward chaining is the original way that logic languages, including Prolog, operated. The popularity of forward chaining has increased over the years and is now more commonly referred to and requested than backward chaining. The method of using a ruleset you choose will really depend more on what you are trying to do than with the popularity of the options as different applications are more suited to one or the other.

Backward chaining involves a ruleset and a query. The query is the exact opposite of a fact, it is a rule with no assertions, just a set of preconditions. When the query is run against the ruleset the rule engine simply either proves the query as true or false, or it finds the facts that satisfy the constraints of the query. This can be very useful for constraint based searching and facts can be produced one at a time rather than waiting for all possible facts to be produced. Applying a fitness metric to the resulting facts can help in evaluating the facts and iteratively searching as long as desired to find better and better results.

Forward chaining is a completely different way of using a ruleset. Rather than specifying a query to evaluate you simply run the ruleset against the current knowledge base, allowing it to assert the facts for each rule has it's preconditions satisfied. This is generally done iteratively until no rules have all of their preconditions satisfied. In other words, if a new fact is added to the knowledge base that suddenly makes all of the preconditions of another rule true, then that rule will also have it's assertion or postcondition added to the knowledge base.

To make things more interesting, rather than just dealing with the testing and assertion of facts integration with other programs can be done through sensors and effectors. This is basicly the process of specifying a method to call that will produce data when the fact is tested for a sensor, or specifying a method that will receive data when the fact is asserted for an effector.

In the current incarnation of the OFBiz Rule Engine only backward chaining is supported.

On top of the Rule Engine a method is needed of asserting facts and defining rules. If you are working directly with the API of the Rule Engine then these objects can be added that way. That can be useful for some circumstances, but would be REALLY tedious if it were the only way to create facts and rules. A much preferred method is to create a language for specifying facts and rules in a text file. There are two major types of these languages right now. One type is a free form language like Prolog (which Logikus is based on) and the other type is using an XML file. There is a standard in progress for XML rule files called RuleML. Both Logikus and RuleML are discussed below.

An introduction to the OFBiz Rule Engine could not be complete without acknowledging the source of the original code base of the Rule Engine and the Logikus language. Even the name Logikus came from this source. It is based on the work done for the book Building Parsers in Java by Steven John Metsker, published by Addison Wesley. Mr. Metsker wrote the license to the code to be very open, similar to the OFBiz license. He basicly said that you can do whatever you want with it as long as you don't claim you wrote it. So, I repackaged the code as part of OFBiz and acknowledged him as the original author of the code and put a dual copyright at the top of each file from the book. I would like to express thanks here to Steven Metsker for creating an excellent book and a nice code base that has helped us a lot in getting started. I recomment the book to anyone who plans to seriously use or extend the OFBiz Rule Engine.

Rule Engine UIs

In addition to using rulesets inside a program they can be run and tested through two user interfaces that exist as part of the Rule Engine. The first of these is a JSP in the WebTools webapp that has a textarea for the ruleset and an input box for the query. There is a link to this page from the main page of the WebTools app.

The other user interface is a Java Swing application. This looks very similar to the JSP and can be run with the following command: java -cp $CLASSPATH:ofbcore-rules.jar org.ofbiz.core.rules.LogikusIde

Logikus Language

The Logikus Language is described very well in Steven Metsker's book Building Parsers in Java. It is based on the Prolog syntax, for those who are familiar with that.

There have been some changes made to Logikus as part of the OFBiz extensions to the language. The most notable of these changes is that functors and variables can be upper case or lower case. String constants must be enclosed in double quotes to differentiate between them and variables. This is different than traditional Prolog and the original Logikus where a word with a lower case first letter is interpreted as a constant instead of a variable name. This change was made to make using the language easier on Java developers, or developers familiar with most imperative languages.

Other changes in the future will include a syntax for specifying that a function corresponds to an entity from the Entity Engine, and for using sensors and effectors.

There are many examples of Logikus rulesets and queries in the core/docs/examples/rules directory.

RuleML Language

RuleML is an XML file type definition for specifying facts and rules. The website for RuleML contains links to many interesting resources and has some interesting information about rule and logic languages and their applications. The RuleML website is at

An interesting open source project to look at to understand RuleML better is Mandarax. They have a RuleML interpreter and a Swing app for editing rules.

The RuleML interpreter for the OFBiz Rule Engine has not yet been written, but it is planned for.

API: Logikus Facade & Engine Classes

To use Logikus rulesets and queries from your Java applications you can use the LogikusFacade class which provides some useful methods for parsing and executing rulesets, and then retrieving and evaluating the results. The full path of the class is org.ofbiz.core.rules.logikus.LogikusFacade.

I will go through an example in here of parsing a Logikus file to create a Program class, and parsing a query to make a Query class, and then optionally adding rules or facts to the Program, and then running the Query against the Program and retrieving the results. This is a backward chaining example.

First, the main packages you will deal with are:

Next, create a org.ofbiz.core.rules.engine.Program object from a logikus ruleset by parsing the text of the ruleset with the following instruction:

Program program = LogikusFacade.program(programText);

Before parsing the query text and creating a Query object you can add other facts and rules to the program with the following method:


Both the Fact object and Rule object implement the Axiom interface and can be added to a program as an axiom. For instructions on how to construct these objects see the JavaDocs for them. They are both in the org.ofbiz.core.rules.engine package.

Now you can parse the query text and create a Query object with the following:

Query query = LogikusFacade.query(queryText, program);

Now everything is in place to get the engine running and finding results. The Query object has a method to get a pointer to the current set of variables that represent a result to the query. This object will always contain the current result from the query.

Unification vars = query.variables();

It works like the Enumeration class in that the variables can be used a number of times for a single result and the next result will be retrieved when the canFindNextProof() method is called, as follows:

boolean moreProofs = query.canFindNextProof();

or, maybe in a bit more useful form:

while (query.canFindNextProof()) {

The individual results can be retrieved from the Unification object if variables where specified in the query. If no variables where specified in the query the canFindNextProof() will return true, but the vars.size() method will return 0. This means that a proof was found, or the query was proved to be true, but no variables needed unifying.

When variables are unified in the result they can be retrieved from the Unification with the following code:

Variable var = vars.variableAt(i);

or an enumeration of the variables can be pulled out as follows:

Enumeration varEnum = vars.elements();

The Variable and Unification objects have toString() methods for displaying their values. Other information about them is available in the JavaDocs.