Archie Live CD



Archie (Linux), a Live CD version of Arch Linux

Archie is a complete live Arch linux system to be run from a CD/USB, built with the KISS philosophy in mind. No packages have been removed to provide a full Arch linux system, yet it delivers the fastest performance with no excessive bloat. Archie uses its own hardware detection tool (lshwd) ideally to support wide range of hardware with low detection time. Archie also provides extended features such as multi-lingual capabilities, nesting capabilities, and hard disk install.

L-AMLUG Live CD是一份包含最新软件的、预安装好了的Arch Linux,它由AMLUG(Ananda Margiis' Linux User Group)开发。这张自启动运行光盘能够当作一个临时的工作站,用来演示,修复有问题的机器,测试硬件Linux兼容性,以及在硬盘上安装Arch Linux。它的主要目标是给临时计算机用户作为工作站使用,让他们收发电子邮件,处理文档、账目及各类文件。数据被存储在软盘或USB存储卡上。对于那些不了解“自启动运行光盘”意义的用户而言,它是一份能完全从光盘引导并运行的GNU/Linux发行。AL-AMLUG包含了最近的Linux软件及桌面环境,以及办公、上网、多媒体及图形方面的应用程序;这方面取决于开发者的进度。它们都是开放源码的程序。AL-AMLUG live CD选择软件的标准是在每一类软件中都包含一项。


• Archie Live CD Wiki


• Archie Wikipedia
• Archie开源下载