
Project Lead: Peter O'Gorman,

dlcompat is a dlopen(3) compatibility library for Mac OS X/Darwin. To find out about how to load things natively see the NSModule(3) and related man pages, also look at the dlfcn_simple.c file in cvs.

Download the latest dlcompat released on 2003-06-29 here

Read the ChangeLog for this release

Getting the project from CVS

Use the following commands to get the project from the OpenDarwin CVS server:

cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/Volumes/src/cvs/od login
cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/Volumes/src/cvs/od co -d dlcompat proj/dlcompat
When the server asks you for a password you can simply hit return; the password is empty.

Browse the cvs repository for dlcompat here

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