High Performance Computing and Clusters

Avalon 140 processor Alpha Beowulf cluster

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Linux Cluster

• The Mock Mainframe Mini-HOWTO
• 如何架构高性价比的分布式计算机集群
• Linux高性能计算集群 - 概述
• 高性能集群系统架构简介 (2002.09.15)
• Linux 集群技术 (2002.09.15)
• Linux 集群系统大比拼 (2002.09.15)
• Linux Cluster Research

FreeBSD Cluster

• Building a High-performance Computing Cluster Using FreeBSD
• Mini-wulf: A small Beowulf cluster based on FreeBSD and MPI
• Using Globus With FreeBSD

OpenSolaris Cluster

• OpenSolaris Community: HPC Developer

Beowulf Cluster

• Engineering a Beowulf-style Compute Cluster (Online Book)
• The Beowulf HOWTO
• The Stone SouperComputer: ORNL's First Beowulf-Style Parallel Computer
• Zen and the Art of Beowulf Clusters
• Avalon: An Alpha/Linux Cluster Achieves 10 Gflops for $150k
• 构建自己的Beowulf Cluster
• Linux高性能计算集群 -- Beowulf集群

Linux Virtual Server

• LVS-HOWTO (English)
• LVS-mini-HOWTO (English)
• LVS-mini-HOWTO (French)

Rocks Cluster

• Rocks Cluster Distribution: Users Guide 4.2
• Rocks Cluster Distribution: Users Guide 4.2.1
• Rocks Cluster Distribution: Users Guide 4.1
• Rocks Cluster Distribution: Users Guide 4.0.0
• Rocks Cluster Distribution: Users Guide 3.3.0
• NPACI Rocks Cluster Distribution: Reference Guide 4.2

Cluster Filesystems

• Lustre: Lustre is a novel storage and file system architecture and implementation which does not follow the block device paradigm. The central target in this project is the development of a next-generation cluster file system which can serve clusters with 10,000's of nodes, petabytes of storage, move 100's of GB/sec. Lustre is in trial production in several sites across the world.
• GFS: The Global Filesystem - fault tolerant, distributed, very cool, etc. GFS is both a cluster filesystem and a journalled filesystem.
• The CODA distributed, fault-tolerant filesystem
• Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS): enterprise-class open-source cluster file system

PostgreSQL Cluster

• PGCluster:


• 向Linux中间件的迁移出现了一些变化 (2002.09.15)
• Linux发展现状(http://software.ccidnet.com/) (2003.02.23)
首先是Linux获得了包括美国在内的各国政府的全力支持• 英国、法国、德国、比利时、巴西等国家已通过议案,要求政府在采购之前要比较商用软件和开放源代码软件,优先考虑开放源代码的软件• 
• 用Linux打造路由器(http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/) (2003.02.14)
本文介绍如何将一台电脑用免费软件打造成一台功能强大的多功能路由器• 这样可以节省一大笔费用• 
• UnitedLinux侵入企业级市场(zdnet.com.cn) (2003.02.11)
象大多数的商业伙伴一样,首创UnitedLinux联盟的四家企业(SuSE Linux、Turbolinux、 Conectiva以及SCO Group(原来的Caldera))都希望他们合作能够比单干收获更多的果实、带来更多的客户• 
• Linux企业级应用渐趋成熟 (2002.09.15)


• TurboLinux集群解决方案产品 (website)


• IBM Linux服务 (website)


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The Extreme Linux Page: Beowulf and Cluster Computing resources