Filter Effects Dialog

Adding a Filter

Click on the New button at the bottom left to add a new filter. Alternatively, right-click on an existing filter in the Filter list to duplicate it. The name of the filter can also be changed by clicking on the name.

Defining a Filter

A filter is defined by selecting filter primitives from the drop-down list next to the Add Effect button. A short description of the filter is displayed when a filter is selected. The description can be toggled on or off under the Filter tab of the Preferenze di Inkscape dialog.

Once a primitive is selected, click on the Add Effect button to add it to the filter. The input(s) of the filters are automatically attached to the Source Graphic or the output of a previously added filter primitive. The default connections are shown as gray lines originating from a triangle right of the filter primitive name. Explicitly defined connections are shown in black.

The inputs of a filter can be reassigned by click-dragging from the triangle at the right of the filter name to one of the columns on the right (e.g. Source Graphic), or by click-dragging to another of the filter primitives.

The filter primitives can be reordered by click-dragging a filter primitive in the list to another place in the list.


Inkscape frequently fails to update the display when tweaking Filtri parameters. Nudging the object up and down is sufficient to force an update.

Applying a Filter

To apply a filter to an object(s), select the object(s) and check the box next to the filter name. Uncheck the box to remove a filter. If multiple objects are selected with different filters, all the boxes corresponding to those filters will be checked.