openQRM Command-Line Interface

The command-line interface (CLI) to openQRM supports a wide variety of actions and operations. (Should an error occur during the execution of a CLI command an error code and message will be printed to STDERR.)


qrm_cli help shows all possible action types.
qrm_cli help type shows the usage syntax for a specific type.
qrm_cli type [action] --help shows the usage syntax for a specific type action.

General Format

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli
Command line interface to the server
qrm-cli <arguments> <sub-action> <sub-action arguments>

Arguments are:
        [-v,--verbose]               Set output to be very verbose
        [-r,--protocol <http|https>] Protocol . default is http
        [-q,--qrm <host>]            Hostname. default is localhost
        [-u,--user <login>]          User's login name (will ask if not provided)
        [-p,--password <password>]   User's password (will ask if not provided)
        [-s,--session <key>]         Session key (for internal use)
        [-h,--help]                  Get help

Sub actions are:
        aar                  - Handle Automatic Application Recovery (AAR) events
        archive              - Archive events | resource statistics | virtual environment statistics
        boot                 - Manage association of boot services
        datacenter           - Provides general information about datacenter status
        event                - Manage events
        execute              - Execute a given resource
        filesystem           - Manage configuration data for filesystem images
        high-availability    - Get and set the server's HA state
        kernel               - Manage kernel image configuration
        mail                 - Send mail
        metric               - Handle metric for virtual environments or resource
        network              - Network related actions
        partitions           - Manage partitions
        plugins              - Manage plugins
        policy               - Manage policies
        properties           - Manage association of properties with entities
        provisioning-request - Manage provisioning requests
        resource             - Manage resources
        storage              - Manage configuration data for storage servers
        storage-type         - Manage configuration data for storage types
        tag                  - Manage tags
        user                 - Manage users
        virtual-environment  - Manage virtual environments


This provides an overview of the entire site

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm datacenter
Provides general information about datacenter status
Sub actions are:
        status - Datacenter general status information

AAR options

For controlling the Automatic Application Recovery

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm aar
Handle Automatic Application Recovery (AAR) events
Sub actions are:
        nop   - Handle heartbeat from application high availability agent
        error - Handle errors from application high availability agent

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm aar nop
Handle heartbeat from application high availability agent

Arguments are:
        One of:
                --internal_cr_id <id>              Internal id of a resource
                --resource_ip <x.x.x.x>            IP of the resource
                --resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> MAC of the resource
                --resource_id <external id>        Resource external id
                --vem <ve_id:vem>                  VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
                -v,--ve_name <name>                Virtual environment name
                --internal_ve_id <id>              Internal id of a virtual environment
        [-h,--help]                                Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm aar error
Handle errors from application high availability agent

Arguments are:
        One of:
                --internal_cr_id <id>                Internal id of a resource
                --resource_ip <x.x.x.x>              IP of the resource
                --resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx>   MAC of the resource
                --resource_id <external id>          Resource external id
                --vem <ve_id:vem>                    VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
                -v,--ve_name <name>                  Virtual environment name
                --internal_ve_id <id>                Internal id of a virtual environment
        -a,--action <none,reboot-ve,reboot-resource> Action to repair
        [-m,--message <string>]                      free text message for alerts
        [-h,--help]                                  Get help

Archive options

For archiving old information - removing it from the user interface

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm archive
Archive events | resource statistics | virtual environment statistics
Sub actions are:
        events              - Archive events
        virtualEnvironments - Archive virtual environment statistics
        resources           - Archive resource statistics
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm archive events
Archive events

Arguments are:
        -f,--filename <filename> Archive file name
        [-d,--date <date>]       Items older than this date will be archived (default pattern: M/d/yy h:mm a)
        [-s,--pattern <pattern>] Pattern for date parsing (see java's SimpleDateFormat)
        [-h,--help]              Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm archive virtualEnvironments
Archive virtual environment statistics

Arguments are:
        -f,--filename <filename> Archive file name
        [-d,--date <date>]       Items older than this date will be archived (default pattern: M/d/yy h:mm a)
        [-s,--pattern <pattern>] Pattern for date parsing (see java's SimpleDateFormat)
        [-h,--help]              Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm archive resources
Archive resource statistics

Arguments are:
        -f,--filename <filename> Archive file name
        [-d,--date <date>]       Items older than this date will be archived (default pattern: M/d/yy h:mm a)
        [-s,--pattern <pattern>] Pattern for date parsing (see java's SimpleDateFormat)
        [-h,--help]              Get help

Boot options

Manage the boot services - the services automatically started on managed nodes

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm boot
Manage association of boot services
Sub actions are:
        list       - List boot services associated with an entity type or specific entity
        dissociate - Dissociate an entity with a boot service
        parameters - List startup parameters of specified entity
        associate  - Associate an entity with a boot service

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm boot list
List boot services associated with an entity type or specific entity

Arguments are:
        -t,--type <resource|ve|kernel|image> Type of entity
        Optionally one of:
                [-n,--name <name>]           Name of entity (resource | ve | image | kernel)
                [-i,--id <number>]           ID of entity
                [--ip <x.x.x.x>]             IP of resource
                [--vem <ve_id:vem>]          VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
        [-h,--help]                          Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm boot dissociate
Dissociate an entity with a boot service

Arguments are:
        -t,--type <resource|ve|kernel|image> Type of entity
        Optionally one of:
                [-n,--name <name>]           Name of entity (resource | ve | image | kernel)
                [-i,--id <number>]           ID of entity
                [--ip <x.x.x.x>]             IP of resource
                [--vem <ve_id:vem>]          VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
        -k,--key <string>                    Key of boot service
        [-h,--help]                          Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm boot parameters
List startup parameters of specified entity

Arguments are:
        -t,--type <resource|ve|qrm>                  Type of entity
        Optionally one of:
                [--internal_cr_id <id>]              Internal id of a resource
                [--resource_ip <x.x.x.x>]            IP of the resource
                [--resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx>] MAC of the resource
                [--resource_id <external id>]        Resource external id
                [--vem <ve_id:vem>]                  VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
                [-v,--ve_name <name>]                Virtual environment name
                [--internal_ve_id <id>]              Internal id of a virtual environment
        [-h,--help]                                  Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm boot associate
Associate an entity with a boot service

Arguments are:
        -t,--type <resource|ve|kernel|image> Type of entity
        Optionally one of:
                [-n,--name <name>]           Name of entity (resource | ve | image | kernel)
                [-i,--id <number>]           ID of entity
                [--ip <x.x.x.x>]             IP of resource
                [--vem <ve_id:vem>]          VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
        -k,--key <string>                    Key of boot service
        [-h,--help]                          Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm boot list -t resource -h
List boot services associated with an entity type or specific entity

Arguments are:
        -t,--type <resource|ve|kernel|image> Type of entity
        Optionally one of:
                [-n,--name <name>]           Name of entity (resource | ve | image | kernel)
                [-i,--id <number>]           ID of entity
                [--ip <x.x.x.x>]             IP of resource
                [--vem <ve_id:vem>]          VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
        [-h,--help]                          Get help

Event options

Create new events or resolve existing alerts

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm event
Manage events
Sub actions are:
        resolve-alerts - Resolve all alerts
        add            - Add an event

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm event resolve-alerts --help
Resolve all alerts

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm event add
Add an event

Arguments are:
        One of:
                --internal_cr_id <id>              Internal id of a resource
                --resource_ip <x.x.x.x>            IP of the resource
                --resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> MAC of the resource
                --resource_id <external id>        Resource external id
                --vem <ve_id:vem>                  VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
                -v,--ve_name <name>                Virtual environment name
                --internal_ve_id <id>              Internal id of a virtual environment
                -g,--global                        the event is global
        -k,--event_key <key>                       Event Key
        [-t,--attr <key=value>]...                 Event attributes. Can be specified multiple times
        [-h,--help]                                Get help


This is internally used by plugins to call on defined system (and extension) actions

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm execute
Execute a given resource

Arguments are:
        -t,--type <java,http,php,exec>          type of execution
        -r,--resource <(key=value;?)+>          Resource identification properties list
        [-c,--config <(key=value;?)+>]          Configuration on how to execute properties list
        [-a,--params <(parameter;?)+>]          List of parameters to use
        [-e,--expected_result <(key=value;?)+>] The expected result properties list
        [-h,--help]                             Get help

Filesystem options

Manage environment filesystem images

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm filesystem
Manage configuration data for filesystem images
Sub actions are:
        view   - View single filesystem image
        list   - List filesystem images
        rename - Rename a filesystem image
        add    - Create an image configuration data
        local  - actions for local disk images
        update - Update a filesystem image
        tag    - Tag a filesystem image
        delete - Delete a filesystem image
        clone  - Clone a filesystem image configuration
        untag  - Untag a resource

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm filesystem list --help
List filesystem images

Arguments are:
        [--filter <"name">]     Filter by name
        [--format <table,bash>] Output format. Default is table
        [-h,--help]             Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm filesystem view --help
View single filesystem image

Arguments are:
        One of:
                -n,--name <name>                                   Filesystem image name
                -f,--finder <storage_server_name@image_identifier> Finder to locate the image consist from storage_server_name and image_identifier
        [--format <table,bash>]                                    Output format. Default is table
        [-h,--help]                                                Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm filesystem rename --help
Rename a filesystem image

Arguments are:
        -n,--name <name>       Filesystem image name
        -w,--new_name <name>   New image name
        [-i,--identifier <id>] Identifier to locate the image (mount point for nfs)
        [-h,--help]            Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm filesystem add --help
Create an image configuration data

Arguments are:
        -n,--name <name>                  Filesystem image name
        -s,--storage_server <name>        Storage server
        -i,--identifier <id>              Identifier to locate the image (mount point for nfs)
        -a,--arch <Opteron|Any|Xeon|i686> Architecture type
        [--config_script <path>]          Configuration script to run on assignment/deassignment
        [-e,--env_vars <string>]          Environment variables
        [-c,--comments <string>]          Comments
        [--shared]                        If true, the image is marked as shared
        [-o,--operation_system <system>]  Operation system
        [-h,--help]                       Get help

Possible values for -o,--operation_system <system> are:

        local               - Locally installed OS for easy migration
        rhel2               - Red Hat AS 2
        rhel3               - Red Hat AS 3
        rhel4               - Red Hat AS 4
        rhel3-64            - Red Hat AS 3 (64-bit)
        rhel4-64            - Red Hat AS 4 (64-bit)
        sles                - SuSe Linux Enterprise Server
        sles-64             - SuSe Linux Enterprise Server (64-bit)
        linux               - Other Linux
        otherlinux-64       - Other Linux (64-bit)
        oes                 - Open Enterprise Server
        winNT               - Windows NT 4
        win2000Serv         - Windows 2000 Server
        win2000AdvServ      - Windows 2000 Advanced Server
        winNetStandard      - Windows Server 2003 SE
        winNetEnterprise    - Windows Server 2003 EE
        winNetStandard-64   - Windows Server 2003 SE (64-bit)
        winNetEnterprise-64 - Windows Server 2003 EE (64-bit)
        winNetBusiness      - Windows Small Business Server 2003
        winNetWeb           - Windows Server 2003 Web Edition
        longhorn            - Windows Vista
        longhorn-64         - Windows Vista (64-bit)
        winXPPro            - Windows XP Professional
        winXPPro-64         - Windows XP Professional (64-bit)
        solaris10           - Solaris 10
        solaris10-64        - Solaris 10 (64-bit)
        netware5            - Novell Netware 5.1
        netware6            - Novell Netware 6.x
        other               - Unspecified 32-bit OS
        other-64            - Unspecified 64-bit OS

=======  The "filesystem local" option are relevant for local deployment ===========
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm filesystem local --help
Manage local deployed images
Sub actions are:
        grab-cancel - Cancel grabbing an image
        grab        - Prepare server for grabbing an image

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm filesystem local grab --help
Prepare server for grabbing an image

Arguments are:
        -t,--type <linux|windows>    Type of image
        -m,--mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> Mac of node to be grabbed
        -n,--name <name>             Filesystem image name
        -s,--storage_server <name>   Storage server
        -i,--identifier <id>         Identifier to locate the image (mount point for nfs)
        [-d,--device </dev/hda>]     Device file of disk to be grabbed (linux format)
        [--shutdown]                 Shutdown the node after grabbing (default is reboot)
        [-h,--help]                  Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm filesystem local grab-cancel --help
Cancel grabbing an image

Arguments are:
        -m,--mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> Mac of node to be grabbed
        [-h,--help]                  Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm filesystem update --help
Update a filesystem image

Arguments are:
        -n,--name <name>                 Filesystem image name                                                                                            
        [-y,--property <name=value>]...  Property to update. See forward a list of editable properties.                                                   
        [-p,--parameter <name=value>]... Environment variable to add/replace/remove. Use name=value for adding/replacing this parameter, Use name= for removing this parameter
        [-f,--force]                     force this action when filesystem is not stable                                                                  
        [-h,--help]                      Get help                                                                                                         

Possible values for -y,--property <name=value> are:

        storageServer   - string
        operationSystem - string
        cpuArchitecture - string
        name            - string
        comments        - string
        configScript    - string
        identifier      - string
        isShared        - true/false

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm filesystem tag --help
Tag a filesystem image

Arguments are:
        -n,--name <name>   Filesystem image name
        -t,--tag <name>... Name of tag
        [-f,--force]       force this action when filesystem is not stable
        [-h,--help]        Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm filesystem delete --help
Delete a filesystem image

Arguments are:
        -n,--name <name> Filesystem image name
        [-h,--help]      Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm filesystem clone --help
Clone a filesystem image configuration

Arguments are:
        -n,--name <name>             Filesystem image name
        -w,--new_name <name>         New image name
        -i,--identifier <id>         Identifier to locate the image (mount point for nfs)
        [-s,--storage_server <name>] Storage server
        [-e,--env_vars <string>]     Environment variables
        [-c,--comments <string>]     Comments
        [-h,--help]                  Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm filesystem untag --help
Untag a resource

Arguments are:
        -n,--name <name>   Filesystem image name
        -t,--tag <name>... Name of tag
        [-f,--force]       force this action when filesystem is not stable
        [-h,--help]        Get help

High availability

These options are for the HA of the openQRM server itself and are available only of the qrm-ha plugin is installed

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm high-availability
Get and set the server's HA state
Sub actions are:
        view      - Show the server's HA state
        set_state - Set the server's HA state

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm high-availability view --help
Show the server's HA state

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm high-availability view
State is: NoHa

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm high-availability set_state --help
Set the server's HA state

Arguments are:
        -s,--state <NoHa,NoStandbys,OK,Paused> value of state
        [-h,--help]                            Get help

Kernel options

These are for controlling the "boot image" kernels assigned to machines.

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm kernel --help
Manage kernel image configuration
Sub actions are:
        list   - List registered kernel configurations
        view   - View kernel image
        rename - Rename a kernel configuration
        add    - Add a kernel image configuration
        delete - Delete a kernel configuration
        clone  - Clone a configuration
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm kernel list --help
List registered kernel configurations

Arguments are:
        [--format <table,bash>] Output format. Default is table
        [-h,--help]             Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm kernel list
Name  | Physical | Version     | SMP   | Hugemem | CPU  | Special |
      | Name     |             |       |         |      | support |
local | local    |             | true  | false   | Any  |         |
qrm   | qrm      | 2.6.9-22.EL | false | false   | i686 |         |

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm kernel view --help
View kernel image

Arguments are:
        One of:
                -n,--name <name>     Boot image name
                -y,--physical <name> Kernel image physical name
        [--format <table,bash>]      Output format. Default is table
        [-h,--help]                  Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm kernel rename --help
Rename a kernel configuration

Arguments are:
        One of:
                -n,--name <name>     Boot image name
                -y,--physical <name> Kernel image physical name
        -w,--new_name <name>         New image name
        [-q,--new_physical <name>]   New physical name
        [-h,--help]                  Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm kernel add --help
Add a kernel image configuration

Arguments are:
        -n,--name <name>                  Boot image name
        -y,--physical <name>              Kernel image physical name
        -k,--kernel_version <version>     Kernel version
        -m,--memory_model <Linux,Numa>    Memory model
        -a,--arch <Opteron|Any|Xeon|i686> Cpu architecture
        [-s,--special_support <ISCSI>]    Special support
        [--smp <true|false>]              Smp
        [-h,--hugemem <true|false>]       Hugemem support
        [-c,--comments <string>]          Comments
        [-h,--help]                       Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm kernel delete --help
Delete a kernel configuration

Arguments are:
        One of:
                -n,--name <name>     Boot image name
                -y,--physical <name> Kernel image physical name
        [-d,--delete_physical]       Whether to also delete the physical files
        [-h,--help]                  Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm kernel clone --help
Clone a configuration

Arguments are:
        One of:
                -n,--name <name>            Boot image name
                -y,--physical <name>        Kernel image physical name
        -w,--new_name <name>                New image name
        -q,--new_physical <name>            New physical name
        [-c,--comments <string>]            Comments
        [-m,--memory_model <Linux,Numa>]    Memory model
        [-k,--kernel_version <version>]     Kernel version
        [-s,--special_support <ISCSI>]      Special support
        [--smp <true|false>]                Smp
        [-h,--hugemem <true|false>]         Hugemem support
        [-a,--arch <Opteron|Any|Xeon|i686>] Cpu architecture
        [-h,--help]                         Get help

Metric parameters

These are for sending new metric information for use by the policy engine.  Scaling and assigning policies can use these additional metrics

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm metric --help
Handle metric for virtual environments or resource
Sub actions are:
        add - Add new metric value(s)
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm metric add --help
Add new metric value(s)

Arguments are:
        One of:
                --internal_cr_id <id>              Internal id of a resource
                --resource_ip <x.x.x.x>            IP of the resource
                --resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> MAC of the resource
                --resource_id <external id>        Resource external id
                --vem <ve_id:vem>                  VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
                -v,--ve_name <name>                Virtual environment name
                --internal_ve_id <id>              Internal id of a virtual environment
        -m,--metrics <key=val>...                  metric values. can be used multiple times
        [-h,--help]                                Get help

"network" options

These are used by the Network-Provisioning plugin - a companion plugin to the provisioning portal which assigns IP addresses to provisioned systems.

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm network --help
Network related actions
Sub actions are:
        configuration - parent action network configurations
        ips           - parent action for ip management
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm network configuration --help
parent action network configurations
Sub actions are:
        load - loads new network configuration
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm network configuration load --help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm network ips --help
parent action for ip management
Sub actions are:
        get-provision - returns a list of ips for a given ticket
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm network ips get-provision --help

Arguments are:
        -i,--ticket <integer>   request ticket
        [--format <table,bash>] Output format. Default is table
        [-h,--help]             Get help

Partitions options

These are used by the different partitioning plugins (VMWare, Xen) for allocating and managing partitions on partitioning hosts. Normally, this is done automatically, but the CLI can be used by custom policies.

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm partitions
Manage partitions
Sub actions are:
        start_partitions - Create partitions
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm partitions start_partitions --help
Create partitions

Arguments are:
        One of:
                --internal_cr_id <id>                Internal id of a resource
                --resource_ip <x.x.x.x>              IP of the resource
                --resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx>   MAC of the resource
                --resource_id <external id>          Resource external id
                --vem <ve_id:vem>                    VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
        --parts_num <Partition number to be started> Partitions number
        --mem_size <Partition memory size>           Memory size
        --cpu_size <Cpu size to be used>             Cpu size
        --cpu_num <Cpu number to be used>            Cpu number
        --disk_capacity <Partition disk capacity>    Local disk capacity
        [-h,--help]                                  Get help

The policy options are used to define and manage scaling policies.
The managed policies include providing parameters to pre-defined provisioning
mechanisms (like the CPU utilization based policy) and defining new
policy classes.
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm policy --help
Manage policies
Sub actions are:
        trigger - Trigger a policy for a virtual environment
        list    - List available policies
        reload  - Reload policies definitions from file
        add     - Add a new policy
        delete  - Delete a policy
        edit    - Edit an existing policy
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm policy trigger --help
Trigger a policy for a virtual environment

Arguments are:
        -i,--id <int> Virtual environment id
        [-h,--help]   Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm policy list --help
List available policies

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm policy reload --help
Reload policies definitions from file

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm policy add --help
Add a new policy

Arguments are:
        -i,--id <int>              Policy id
        -n,--name <name>           Policy name
        -c,--class <class>         Class extending com.qlusters.qrm.server.api.objects.virtualenvironments.Policy
        [-t,--attr <key=value>]... Policy attributes. Can be specified multiple times
        [-h,--help]                Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm policy delete --help
Delete a policy

Arguments are:
        -i,--id <int> Policy id
        [-h,--help]   Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm policy edit --help
Edit an existing policy

Arguments are:
        -i,--id <int>              Policy id
        -n,--name <name>           Policy name
        -c,--class <class>         Class extending com.qlusters.qrm.server.api.objects.virtualenvironments.Policy
        [-t,--attr <key=value>]... Policy attributes. Can be specified multiple times
        [-h,--help]                Get help

The properties mechanisms allows plugins and integration components to store
information in the openQRM database and attach it to specific entities -
Virtual Environments, filesystem images and specific compute resources. These
properties can be access by the entity identifiers and the category
(e.g. plugin name)
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm properties
Manage association of properties with entities
Sub actions are:
        add    - Add a property value
        set    - Set a property value
        get    - List properties associated with an entity type or specific entity
        delete - Delete a property value
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm properties add --help
Add a property value

Arguments are:
        -t,--type <resource|ve|kernel|qrm|image> Type of entity
        Optionally one of:
                [-n,--name <name>]               Name of entity (resource | ve | image | kernel)
                [-i,--id <number>]               ID of entity
                [--ip <x.x.x.x>]                 IP of resource
                [--vem <ve_id:vem>]              VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
                [-g,--generic]                   when the property applies to all entities
        [-c,--category <string>]                 Category of property
        -k,--key <string>                        Key of property
        -v,--value <string>                      Value of property
        [-m,--merge]                             Should generic and specific values be merged
        [-h,--help]                              Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm properties set --help
Set a property value

Arguments are:
        -t,--type <resource|ve|kernel|qrm|image> Type of entity
        Optionally one of:
                [-n,--name <name>]               Name of entity (resource | ve | image | kernel)
                [-i,--id <number>]               ID of entity
                [--ip <x.x.x.x>]                 IP of resource
                [--vem <ve_id:vem>]              VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
                [-g,--generic]                   when the property applies to all entities
        [-c,--category <string>]                 Category of property
        -k,--key <string>                        Key of property
        -v,--value <string>                      Value of property
        [-m,--merge]                             Should generic and specific values be merged
        [-h,--help]                              Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm properties get --help
List properties associated with an entity type or specific entity

Arguments are:
        -t,--type <resource|ve|kernel|qrm|image> Type of entity
        Optionally one of:
                [-n,--name <name>]               Name of entity (resource | ve | image | kernel)
                [-i,--id <number>]               ID of entity
                [--ip <x.x.x.x>]                 IP of resource
                [--vem <ve_id:vem>]              VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
                [-g,--generic]                   when the property applies to all entities
        [-c,--category <string>]                 Category of property
        [-k,--key <string>]                      Key of property
        [--format <table,bash>]                  Output format. Default is table
        [-h,--help]                              Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm properties delete --help
Delete a property value

Arguments are:
        -t,--type <resource|ve|kernel|qrm|image> Type of entity
        Optionally one of:
                [-n,--name <name>]               Name of entity (resource | ve | image | kernel)
                [-i,--id <number>]               ID of entity
                [--ip <x.x.x.x>]                 IP of resource
                [--vem <ve_id:vem>]              VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
                [-g,--generic]                   when the property applies to all entities
        [-c,--category <string>]                 Category of property
        [-k,--key <string>]                      Key of property
        [-h,--help]                              Get help

The provisioning-request options are used to provide CLI access to provisioning
requests performed through the web portal. When a provisioning request is
started, it is automatically translated into an openQRM Virtual Environment.
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm provisioning-request --help
Manage provisioning requests
Sub actions are:
        view   - View provisioning request
        list   - List provisioning requests
        update - Update a provisioning request
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm provisioning-request list --help

Arguments are:
        [--format <table,bash>] Output format. Default is table
        [-h,--help]             Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm provisioning-request view --help

Arguments are:
        --internal_pr_id <id>   Internal id of the provisioning request
        [--format <table,bash>] Output format. Default is table
        [-h,--help]             Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm provisioning-request update --help

Arguments are:
    --internal_pr_id <id>            Internal id of the provisioning request
    [-y,--property <name=value>]...  Property to update. See forward a list of editable properties.
    [-p,--parameter <name=value>]... Environment variable to add/replace/remove. Use name=value for adding/replacing this parameter, Use name= for removing this parameter
    [-h,--help]                      Get help

Possible values for -y,--property <name=value> are:

        deployment         - LocalDisk/Pxe
        resourceTypeTechId - Physical/Virtual
        email              - string
        name               - string
        comments           - string
        autoDeprovision    - true/false
        wipeLocalDisk      - true/false
        numberOfServers    - number
        numberOfIps        - number
        startDate          - date <MM/dd/yyyy-HH:mm> or null for no date
        endDate            - date <MM/dd/yyyy-HH:mm> or null for no date

The 'resource' options are used to manage and control Compute Resources -
servers and partitions
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm resource --help
Manage resources
Sub actions are:
        list                - List resources
        view                - List resources
        start               - Start a resource
        update              - Update a resource control
        control             - Manage relations between resources and controllers
        reboot              - Reboot a resource
        delete              - Delete a resource
        shutdown            - Shutdown a resource
        migrate             - Migrate a compute resource processes to another compute resource
        assimilate          - Assimilate new resource
        tag                 - Tag a resource
        send-to-maintenance - Send a resource to maintenance.
        end-maintenance     - End resource maintenance state.
        untag               - Untag a resource

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm resource list --help
List resources

Arguments are:
        Optionally one of:
                [--text <"free text">]           Filter by free text. Use "*" to look for all.
                [--filter <"saved filter name">] Filter by a saved filter
        [--format <table,bash>]                  Output format. Default is table
        [-h,--help]                              Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm resource view --help
List resources

Arguments are:
        One of:
                --internal_cr_id <id>              Internal id of a resource
                --resource_ip <x.x.x.x>            IP of the resource
                --resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> MAC of the resource
                --resource_id <external id>        Resource external id
                --vem <ve_id:vem>                  VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
        [--format <table,bash>]                    Output format. Default is table
        [-h,--help]                                Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm resource start --help
Start a resource

Arguments are:
        One of:
                --internal_cr_id <id>              Internal id of a resource
                --resource_ip <x.x.x.x>            IP of the resource
                --resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> MAC of the resource
                --resource_id <external id>        Resource external id
                --vem <ve_id:vem>                  VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
        [-h,--help]                                Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm resource update --help
Update a resource control

Arguments are:
   One of:
     --internal_cr_id <id>              Internal id of a resource
     --resource_ip <x.x.x.x>            IP of the resource
     --resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> MAC of the resource
     --resource_id <external id>        Resource external id
     --vem <ve_id:vem>                  VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
     [-y,--property <name=value>]...    Property to update. See forward a list of editable properties.
     [-p,--parameter <name=value>]...           Environment variable to add/replace/remove. Use name=value for adding/replacing this parameter, Use name= for removing this parameter
     [-f,--force]                               force this action when node status is not stable
     [-h,--help]                                Get help

Possible values for -y,--property <name=value> are:

        comment       - string
        externalId    - string
        location      - string
        diskProtected - true/false

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm resource control --help
Manage relations between resources and controllers
Sub actions are:
        dissociate - Dissociate a resource control from compute resource or group
        associate  - Associate a resource control with a compute resource or group
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm resource control associate --helpcontrol --help
Associate a resource control with a compute resource or group

Arguments are:
        One of:
                --internal_cr_id <id>              Internal id of a resource
                --resource_ip <x.x.x.x>            IP of the resource
                --resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> MAC of the resource
                --resource_id <external id>        Resource external id
                --vem <ve_id:vem>                  VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
                --text <"free text">               Filter by free text. Use * to associate with any resource
                --filter <"saved filter name">     Filter by a saved filter
                --all                              Associate/Disscoaite with all resources (if associating will apply for future resources as well)
        -n,--name <name>                           Resource control
        [-h,--help]                                Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm resource control dissociate --helpsociate --help
Dissociate a resource control from compute resource or group

Arguments are:
        One of:
                --internal_cr_id <id>              Internal id of a resource
                --resource_ip <x.x.x.x>            IP of the resource
                --resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> MAC of the resource
                --resource_id <external id>        Resource external id
                --vem <ve_id:vem>                  VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
                --text <"free text">               Filter by free text. Use * to associate with any resource
                --filter <"saved filter name">     Filter by a saved filter
                --all                              Associate/Disscoaite with all resources (if associating will apply for future resources as well)
        -n,--name <name>                           Resource control
        [-h,--help]                                Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm resource reboot --help
Reboot a resource

Arguments are:
        One of:
                --internal_cr_id <id>              Internal id of a resource
                --resource_ip <x.x.x.x>            IP of the resource
                --resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> MAC of the resource
                --resource_id <external id>        Resource external id
                --vem <ve_id:vem>                  VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
        [-h,--help]                                Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm resource delete --help
Delete a resource

Arguments are:
        One of:
                --internal_cr_id <id>              Internal id of a resource
                --resource_ip <x.x.x.x>            IP of the resource
                --resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> MAC of the resource
                --resource_id <external id>        Resource external id
                --vem <ve_id:vem>                  VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
        [-v,--verify]                              verify that delete operation allowed
        [-h,--help]                                Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm resource shutdown --help
Shutdown a resource

Arguments are:
        One of:
                --internal_cr_id <id>              Internal id of a resource
                --resource_ip <x.x.x.x>            IP of the resource
                --resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> MAC of the resource
                --resource_id <external id>        Resource external id
                --vem <ve_id:vem>                  VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
        [-h,--help]                                Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm resource migrate --help
Migrate a compute resource processes to another compute resource

Arguments are:
        One of:
                --internal_cr_id <id>              Internal id of a resource
                --resource_ip <x.x.x.x>            IP of the resource
                --resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> MAC of the resource
                --resource_id <external id>        Resource external id
                --vem <ve_id:vem>                  VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
        Optionally one of:
                [--dest_internal_resource_id <id>] Internal id of the destination resource
                [--dest_resource_ip <x.x.x.x>]     IP of the destination resource
                [--dest_resource_id <external id>] External id of the destination resource
        [-h,--help]                                Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm resource assimilate --help
Assimilate new resource

Arguments are:
        --resource_ip <x.x.x.x>            IP of the resource
        --resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> MAC of the resource
        -v,--ve_name <name>                Virtual environment name for assimilation
        [-t,--hosting_type <>]             Virtual environment hosting type
        [-h,--help]                        Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm resource tag --helprce assimilate --help
Tag a resource

Arguments are:
        One of:
                --internal_cr_id <id>              Internal id of a resource
                --resource_ip <x.x.x.x>            IP of the resource
                --resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> MAC of the resource
                --resource_id <external id>        Resource external id
                --vem <ve_id:vem>                  VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
        -t,--tag <name>...                         Name of tag
        [-f,--force]                               force this action when node status is not stable
        [-h,--help]                                Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm resource send-to-maintenance --help
Send a resource to maintenance.

Arguments are:
        One of:
                --internal_cr_id <id>              Internal id of a resource
                --resource_ip <x.x.x.x>            IP of the resource
                --resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> MAC of the resource
                --resource_id <external id>        Resource external id
                --vem <ve_id:vem>                  VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
        [-h,--help]                                Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm resource end-maintenance --help
End resource maintenance state.

Arguments are:
        One of:
                --internal_cr_id <id>              Internal id of a resource
                --resource_ip <x.x.x.x>            IP of the resource
                --resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> MAC of the resource
                --resource_id <external id>        Resource external id
                --vem <ve_id:vem>                  VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
        [-h,--help]                                Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm resource untag --helpaintenance --help
Untag a resource

Arguments are:
        One of:
                --internal_cr_id <id>              Internal id of a resource
                --resource_ip <x.x.x.x>            IP of the resource
                --resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> MAC of the resource
                --resource_id <external id>        Resource external id
                --vem <ve_id:vem>                  VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
        -t,--tag <name>...                         Name of tag
        [-f,--force]                               force this action when node status is not stable
        [-h,--help]                                Get help

The storage options are used to define and manage Storage Servers - locations
where the golden images and NFS based images are stored. Different plugins can
define additional storage server types.
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm storage --help
Manage configuration data for storage servers
Sub actions are:
        view   - View storage server
        list   - List storage servers
        add    - Add a storage server
        update - Update a storage server
        delete - Delete a storage server definition
        clone  - Clone a storage server configuration
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm storage list --help qrm storage --help
List storage servers

Arguments are:
        [--filter <"name">]     Filter by name
        [--format <table,bash>] Output format. Default is table
        [-h,--help]             Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm storage list
ID | Name                    | IP           | Management   | Comments                                  |
   |                         |              | IP           |                                           |
1  | local                   |    |              | Local Storage server (for easy migration) |
2  | local_nfs               | | | Local NFS server for openQRM              |
3  | Golden_Repository_Filer | | | Golden image repository server            |
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm storage view --help
View storage server

Arguments are:
        -n,--name <name>        Storage server name
        [--format <table,bash>] Output format. Default is table
        [-h,--help]             Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm storage view -n Golden_Repository_Filer
ID | Name                    | IP           | Management   | Comments                       |
   |                         |              | IP           |                                |
3  | Golden_Repository_Filer | | | Golden image repository server |

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm storage view -n Golden_Repository_Filer --format bashy_Filer --forma=bash
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm storage add
Add a storage server

Arguments are:
        -t,--type <NFS|local|iScsi|Netapp|Golden_Repository|Boot_Filer> Storage type
        -n,--name <name>                                                Storage server name
        -i,--ip <x.x.x.x>                                               IP for accessing from resources
        [-c,--comments <string>]                                        Comments
        [-m,--management_ip <x.x.x.x>]                                  IP for managing the server
        [-e,--environment <"a=b c=d">]                                  Environment variables
        [-h,--help]                                                     Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm storage update
Update a storage server

Arguments are:
        -n,--name <name>                 Storage server name                                                                                              
        [-y,--property <name=value>]...  Property to update. See forward a list of editable properties.                                                   
        [-p,--parameter <name=value>]... Environment variable to add/replace/remove. Use name=value for adding/replacing this parameter, Use name= for removing this parameter
        [-h,--help]                      Get help                                                                                                         

Possible values for -y,--property <name=value> are:

        storageType  - string
        name         - string
        comments     - string
        ip           - string
        managementIp - string

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm storage delete
Delete a storage server definition

Arguments are:
        -n,--name <name> Storage server name
        [-h,--help]      Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm storage clone
Clone a storage server configuration

Arguments are:
        -n,--name <name>                                                  Storage server name
        -w,--new_name <name>                                              New image name
        -i,--ip <x.x.x.x>                                                 IP for accessing from resources
        [-c,--comments <string>]                                          Comments
        [-m,--management_ip <x.x.x.x>]                                    IP for managing the server
        [-e,--environment <"a=b c=d">]                                    Environment variables
        [-t,--type <NFS|local|iScsi|Netapp|Golden_Repository|Boot_Filer>] Storage type
        [-h,--help]                                                       Get help

The storage-type option control the types of possible storage servers. Adding
storage types makes site-specific storage definitions much easier by letting
the user associate management scripts with groups of storage servers.
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm storage-type --help
Manage configuration data for storage types
Sub actions are:
        add    - Add a storage type
        update - Update a storage type
        delete - Delete a storage type definition
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm storage-type add --help
Add a storage type

Arguments are:
        -n,--name <name>                         Storage type name
        -i,--interface <nfs|iscsi|local|hwIscsi> Interface
        [-c,--comments <string>]                 Comments
        [-s,--script <path>]                     Management Script
        [-h,--help]                              Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm storage-type update --help
Update a storage type

Arguments are:
        -n,--name <name>                Storage type name
        [-y,--property <name=value>]... Property to update. See forward a list of editable properties.
        [-h,--help]                     Get help

Possible values for -y,--property <name=value> are:

        interface        - string
        name             - string
        comments         - string
        managementScript - string

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm storage-type delete --help
Delete a storage type definition

Arguments are:
        -n,--name <name> Storage type name
        [-h,--help]      Get help

The tag options are used to define named tags to be associated with openQRM
entities, and later used when defining and provisioning environments.
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm tag --help
Manage tags
Sub actions are:
        list   - List all current tags
        rename - Rename a tag
        add    - Add a new tag to the system
        delete - Delete a tag from the system
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm tag list --helpm -p qrm tag --help
List all current tags

Arguments are:
        [--format <table,bash>] Output format. Default is table
        [-h,--help]             Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm tag rename --help
Rename a tag

Arguments are:
        -n,--name <tag>            Tag name
        [-w,--new_name <new name>] Tag new name
        [-h,--help]                Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm tag add --help
Add a new tag to the system

Arguments are:
        -n,--name <tag>             Tag name
        [-d,--description <string>] Tag description
        [-h,--help]                 Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm tag delete --help
Delete a tag from the system

Arguments are:
        -n,--name <tag> Tag name
        [-h,--help]     Get help

The user options manage QRM based users and permissions, when not using LDAP
for authentication (or any other external authentication plugin).
The "user session" options let the CLI user authneticate themselves once and
then use the same session identifier.
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm user --help
Manage users
Sub actions are:
        list                - List users
        set-ve-admin        - Associate/Dissociate user as a ve admin of virtual environments
        list-associated-ves - List virtual environments associated with a specified non 'super user' user (super users are associated with all virtual environments by deafult).
        add                 - Create a new user. If no roles are specified the user will be associated with 'read only' role.
        update              - Update user profile
        session             - Create or delete sessions
        set-roles           - Associate/Dissociate user with roles
        delete              - Delete user
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm user list --help -p qrm user --help
List users

Arguments are:
        [-r,--roles <read only,ve admin,resource admin,super user,manager,no roles>] Filter by role, comma separated.
        [-v,--virtual_environment <ve name>]                                         Filter by virtual environment - display only ve admins of this virtual environment.
        [--format <table,bash>]                                                      Output format. Default is table
        [-h,--help]                                                                  Get help 

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm user set-ve-admin --help
Associate/Dissociate user as a ve admin of virtual environments

Arguments are:
        -l,--login <name>               Login name of modified user
        -v,--virtual_environments <ves> Virtual environment names, comma separated
        One of:
                -a,--associate          Associate user with these roles
                -d,--dissociate         Dissociate user from these roles
        [-h,--help]                     Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm user list-associated-ves --helpelp
List virtual environments associated with a specified non 'super user' user (super users are associated with all virtual environments by deafult).

Arguments are:
        -l,--login <name>       Login name of modified user
        [--format <table,bash>] Output format. Default is table
        [-h,--help]             Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm user add --help-associated-vs --help
Create a new user. If no roles are specified the user will be associated with 'read only' role.

Arguments are:
        -l,--login <name>                Login name of modified user
        [-p,--password <new password>]   password for user
        [-d,--description <description>] Description of user
        [-r,--roles <role names>]        Roles of the new user: (read only,ve admin,resource admin,super user,manager), comma separated
        [-h,--help]                      Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm user update --help
Update user profile

Arguments are:
        -l,--login <name>               Login name of modified user
        [-y,--property <name=value>]... Property to update. See forward a list of editable properties.
        [-h,--help]                     Get help

Possible values for -y,--property <name=value> are:

        name        - string
        password    - string
        fullName    - string
        description - string
        phone       - string
        email       - string

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm user session --help
Create or delete sessions
Sub actions are:
        create    - Create a new session
        delete    - Delete a session
        init-once - Create a new one shot session
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm user session create --help
Create a new session

Arguments are:
        [--once <ID of once key>] Create one shot session
        [-h,--help]               Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm user session delete --help
Delete a session

Arguments are:
        -s,--session <id> Session to deletee
        [-h,--help]       Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm user session init-once --help
Create a new one shot session

Arguments are:
        -i,--id <id> Id to use for one shot session grant
        [-h,--help]  Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm user session set-roles --help
Associate/Dissociate user with roles

Arguments are:
        -l,--login <name>       Login name of modified user
        -r,--roles <role names> Roles of the user: (read only,ve admin,resource admin,super user,manager), comma separated
        One of:
                -a,--associate  Associate user with these roles
                -d,--dissociate Dissociate user from these roles
        [-h,--help]             Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm user delete --help
Delete user

Arguments are:
        -l,--login <name> Login name of modified user
        [-h,--help]       Get help
The Virtual-Environment options are used to define, manage and control the
virtual environments
[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm virtual-environment --help
Manage virtual environments
Sub actions are:
        view      - View virtual environment
        list      - List virtual environments
        stop      - Stop a virtual environment
        add       - Add new virtual environment
        scale-in  - Release a resource from a virtual environment
        start     - Start a virtual environment
        update    - Update a virtual environment
        tag       - Tag a virtual environment
        delete    - Delete a virtual environment
        scale-out - Add resource to a virtual environment
        untag     - Untag a virtual environment

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm virtual-environment list --help-environment --help
List virtual environments

Arguments are:
        Optionally one of:
                [--text <"free text">]           Filter by free text. Use "*" to look for all.
                [--filter <"saved filter name">] Filter by a saved filter
        [--format <table,bash>]                  Output format. Default is table
        [-h,--help]                              Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm virtual-environment view --help
View virtual environment

Arguments are:
        One of:
                -v,--ve_name <name>   Virtual environment name
                --internal_ve_id <id> Internal id of a virtual environment
        [--format <table,bash>]       Output format. Default is table
        [-h,--help]                   Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm virtual-environment stop --helpironment view --help
Stop a virtual environment

Arguments are:
        One of:
                -v,--ve_name <name>   Virtual environment name
                --internal_ve_id <id> Internal id of a virtual environment
        [-h,--help]                   Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm virtual-environment add --helpvironment stop --help
Add new virtual environment

Arguments are:
        -v,--ve_name <name>    Virtual environment name
        [-k,--kernel <name>]   Kernel image name
        [-f,--fs_image <name>] Filesystem image name
        [-t,--hosting_type <>] Virtual environment hosting type
        [-h,--help]            Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm virtual-environment scale-in --help
Release a resource from a virtual environment

Arguments are:
        One of:
                -v,--ve_name <name>                  Virtual environment name
                --internal_ve_id <id>                Internal id of a virtual environment
        Optionally one of:
                [--internal_cr_id <id>]              Internal id of a resource
                [--resource_ip <x.x.x.x>]            IP of the resource
                [--resource_mac <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx>] MAC of the resource
                [--resource_id <external id>]        Resource external id
                [--vem <ve_id:vem>]                  VEM of resource (ve_id can be id/name)
        [-h,--help]                                  Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm virtual-environment start --help
Start a virtual environment

Arguments are:
        One of:
                -v,--ve_name <name>   Virtual environment name
                --internal_ve_id <id> Internal id of a virtual environment
        [-h,--help]                   Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm virtual-environment update --help
Update a virtual environment

Arguments are:
    One of:
         -v,--ve_name <name>      Virtual environment name
         --internal_ve_id <id>    Internal id of a virtual environment
        [-y,--property <name=value>]...  Property to update. See forward a list of editable properties.
        [-f,--force]                     force this action when ve status is not stable
        [-p,--parameter <name=value>]... Environment variable to add/replace/remove. Use name=value for adding/replacing this parameter, Use name= for removing this parameter
        [-h,--help]                      Get help

Possible values for -y,--property <name=value> are:

        kernelImage        - string
        fsDefinitions      - string
        name               - string
        comment            - string
        hostingTypeTechId  - string
        resourceTypeTechId - string
        migrationTechs     - string
        ahf                - true/false
        shared             - true/false
        multiServer        - true/false
        disabled           - true/false
        aarTimeout         - number
        minResources       - number
        maxResources       - number
        initialResources   - number

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm virtual-environment tag --help
Tag a virtual environment

Arguments are:
        One of:
                -v,--ve_name <name>   Virtual environment name
                --internal_ve_id <id> Internal id of a virtual environment
        -t,--tag <name>...            Name of tag
        [-f,--force]                  force this action when ve status is not stable
        [-h,--help]                   Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm virtual-environment delete --helponmentd --help
Delete a virtual environment

Arguments are:
        One of:
                -v,--ve_name <name>   Virtual environment name
                --internal_ve_id <id> Internal id of a virtual environment
        [-h,--help]                   Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm virtual-environment scale-out --help
Add resource to a virtual environment

Arguments are:
        One of:
                -v,--ve_name <name>   Virtual environment name
                --internal_ve_id <id> Internal id of a virtual environment
        [-h,--help]                   Get help

[root@qrm-server qrm]# ./bin/qrm-cli -u qrm -p qrm virtual-environment untag --help
Untag a virtual environment

Arguments are:
        One of:
                -v,--ve_name <name>   Virtual environment name
                --internal_ve_id <id> Internal id of a virtual environment
        -t,--tag <name>...            Name of tag
        [-f,--force]                  force this action when ve status is not stable
        [-h,--help]                   Get help