
Table of Contents
Introduction -- file format
File_SMBPasswd::File_SMBPasswd() -- constructor
File_SMBPasswd::load() -- load the contents of an existing smbpasswd file
File_SMBPasswd::getFile() -- get the value of the file property
File_SMBPasswd::getAccounts() -- get the value of the accounts property
File_SMBPasswd::addAccountEncrypted() -- adds a new account with pre-encrypted passwords.
File_SMBPasswd::addAccount() -- add a new account with the given plaintext-password.
File_SMBPasswd::addUser() -- add a new user with the given plaintext-password.
File_SMBPasswd::addMachine() -- add a new maschine-account with the given plaintext-password.
File_SMBPasswd::modAccountEncrypted() -- modify an existing account with the given encrypted password.
File_SMBPasswd::modAccount() -- modify an exsting account with the given plaintext-password.
File_SMBPasswd::modUser() -- modify an exsting account with the given plaintext-password.
File_SMBPasswd::delAccount() -- deletes an existing account.
File_SMBPasswd::delUser() -- deletes an existing user.
File_SMBPasswd::verifyAccountEncrypted() -- Verifies the given account with the given encrypted passwords.
File_SMBPasswd::verifyAccount() -- Verifies the given account with the given plaintext passwords.
File_SMBPasswd::lock() -- lock the smbpasswd file
File_SMBPasswd::unlock() -- unlock the smbpasswd file
File_SMBPasswd::save() -- saves the smbpasswd file
File_SMBPasswd::printAccounts() -- prints the contents of an existing smbpasswd file

Provides an API for managing SAMBA passwd-style files