43.33. pg_trigger

The catalog pg_trigger stores triggers on tables. See CREATE TRIGGER for more information.

Table 43-33. pg_trigger Columns

tgrelidoidpg_class.oidThe table this trigger is on
tgnamename Trigger name (must be unique among triggers of same table)
tgfoidoidpg_proc.oidThe function to be called
tgtypeint2 Bit mask identifying trigger conditions
tgenabledbool True if trigger is enabled
tgisconstraintbool True if trigger implements a referential integrity constraint
tgconstrnamename Referential integrity constraint name
tgconstrrelidoidpg_class.oidThe table referenced by an referential integrity constraint
tgdeferrablebool True if deferrable
tginitdeferredbool True if initially deferred
tgnargsint2 Number of argument strings passed to trigger function
tgattrint2vector Currently unused
tgargsbytea Argument strings to pass to trigger, each NULL-terminated

Note: pg_class.reltriggers needs to agree with the number of triggers found in this table for the given relation.