2.1 Installation prerequisites

Installation prerequisites for PyQwt3D-0.1.3.tar.gz are:

  1. Python.
    Supported versions: Python-2.5.x, Python-2.4.x and Python-2.3.x.
  2. Qt.
    Supported versions: Qt-4.2.x, Qt-4.1.x, Qt-3.3.x, or Qt-3.2.x.
  3. sip-4.5.tar.gz.
    Supported versions: SIP-4.5, and-4.4.x.
  4. PyQt-x11-gpl-3.17.tar.gz, PyQt4-x11-gpl-4.1.tar.gz, PyQt-mac-gpl-3.17.tar.gz, PyQt4-mac-gpl-4.1.tar.gz or PyQt-commercial.
    Supported versions: PyQt-4.1.x, and -4.0.x, or PyQt-3.17.x and -3.16.x.
  5. QwtPlot3D.
    Supported versions: qwtplot3d-0.2.6.tgz or qwtplot3d-0.2.6.zip. PyQwt3D-0.1.3.tar.gz contains a version of QwtPlot3D for your convenience. You can (but unless you are using Windows do not have to) compile and link the QwtPlot3D sources statically into the PyQwt3D extension module.
  6. ZLib is needed to enable compression in the PDF and PostScript output of QwtPlot3D.
    Supported versions: zlib-1.2.x, and zlib-1.1.x. PyQwt3D-0.1.3.tar.gz contains the necessary source files of zlib-1.2.3 to remove the dependency on zlib (but you are free to use an already installed shared or dynamic load library of zlib).

To exploit the full power of the PyQwt3D, you should install at least one the Numerical Python extensions: NumPy, numarray, Numeric. I am using numpy-1.0, Numeric-24.2.tar.gz and numarray-1.5.2.tar.gz.

Note: The PyQwt3D extension module containing statically linked sources of QwtPlot3D-0.2.6 coexists very well with system wide shared libraries of any version of QwtPlot3D.

Warning: PyQwt3D may not work with numarray on Linux systems, possibly due to a bug in the floating point excepion handling of glibc. More information is to be found here and in related posts. PyQwt3D does not work with numarray and Matrox graphic cards on Mandrake-10.0 and SuSE-9.0. Your mileage may vary: PyQwt3D works with numarray and an ATI graphic card on SuSE-9.1.