Chapter 11. The ccm Command-Line Tool

The ccm command-line tool provides an easy way to install, configure, and validate a CCM installation. For a full list of available commands, type ccm --help. For specific usage information for a specific command, type:

ccm command --help

ccm Command Reference


The --parameter-file option enables the user to pass in a file containing a pre-configured set of default values. These profiles can be used to simplify the installation of multiple servers; a single file containing all the defaults that are common between the servers can be used to deploy all servers.


The ccm status command checks the server configuration and reports any errors encountered. Some of the built-in checks include verifying the Java environment and testing the JDBC URL for connectivity.


The ccm load command has two functions: loading a package (or set of packages) into the database and initializing the configuration of the loaded package(s). ccm load includes a --interactive option that will interactively prompt the user for all required parameters.


The ccm set and ccm get commands set and get configuration values, respectively.


The r command in the ccm UI provides access to the full list of configurable parameters for your CMS installation.