Chapter 6. Production Installation for WAF

This chapter covers the steps required for installing WAF for a production environment.

6.1. Installing WAF and Application Packages

6.1.1. Installing Infrastructure Packages Installing Infrastructure RPMs

Obtain the appropriate packages. The packages required for installation are discussed in Section 3.6 Obtaining Red Hat WAF and Application Packages. For RPM-based systems, install all RPMs using the rpm -ivh. For example:

rpm -ivh ccm-tools-version.noarch.rpm 
# if you use Tomcat as the servlet container 
rpm -ivh ccm-tools-servlet-tomcat-version.noarch.rpm

# if you use Resin as the servlet container 
rpm -ivh ccm-tools-servlet-resin-version.noarch.rpm

rpm -ivh ccm-core-version.noarch.rpm


You may experience problems using rpm version 4.1x, especially trying --relocate. If that happens, try versions 4.0x or 4.2x of rpm. Installing Infrastructure ZIPs

Obtain the appropriate packages. The packages required for installation are discussed in Section 3.6 Obtaining Red Hat WAF and Application Packages. For ZIP-based installs (Windows and other non-RPM systems), unzip the following ZIP files. On Windows, unzip the packages from the directory C:\ccm. Subsequent instructions will refer to CCM_ZIP_ROOT, which will default to C:\ccm. Be sure to set this environment variable if unpacking the ZIP files in an alternate location.

For ZIP-based installs, there are two additional steps required for each application ZIP file added (e.g., ccm-core, ccm-cms, content types, additional applications). For each, add the following lines to CCM_ZIP_ROOT\etc\ccm\ccm.classpath (on Windows systems). If this file does not yet exist, create it along with the required directory path. Be sure to include a trailing slash for each directory.

# this line is only needed for 
# the first app installed (WAF core)

In addition, add the following line to CCM_ZIP_ROOT\etc\ccm\ccm.webapp (on Windows systems). If this file does not yet exist, create it along with the required directory path. Make sure to include the trailing slash.

CCM_ZIP_ROOT\usr\share\java\webapps\packagename-version\ Installing WAF Applications via RHN

These steps describe how to use Red Hat Network to install WAF and the other Red Hat Applications packages on your Red Hat Enterprise Linux system. You will need to have a registered account on RHN and have obtained access to the WAF channel and any other channels you need. This is usually done as part of a subscription or evaluation process. The registered target system will need to be installed with Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and must have either direct access to RHN, or be a user of an RHN Proxy Server or RHN Satellite Server.

Installation Procedure

  1. Install target system with Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

  2. Register system with RHN.

  3. Using your enterprise account or evaluation access, subscribe your system to the Red Hat Web Application Framework 6.1 channel on RHN. Also, subscribe your system to any other channels of Red Hat Applications software that you are using, such as Red Hat Content Management System 6.1. To obtain these entitlements, contact your Red Hat account manager. When available, the packages should appear in the Software tab. For more information about how to use RHN, see

  4. Install the WAF packages. RHN will handle the cross-dependencies automatically, installing and updating software packages as needed. You can either use RHN tools to schedule your installation of the below packages, or use the command-line up2date application on the target system:

    up2date <list_of_packages>
  5. At this point, the necessary packages for WAF will have been installed.