
SMSLib News

Important news and other announcements about new releases, bugs/bug fixes, and general chitchat about the library are posted on the SMSLib Blog. The blog is also mirrored to Twitter.

SMSLib Forum

The SMSLib Forum is available for your queries and feedback. The older SMSLib User Group has been archived and set to readonly due to various Google Groups' related issues. It's still available if you want to look and search older discussions but you cannot post anything.

Issue Tracker

The SMSLib Issue Tracker is also available for reporting issues, bugs or filing enhancement requests. Tracker activity can be monitored from the Tracker ATOM feed. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the SMSLib Project Updates Google group.


SMSLib Subversion repository is currently hosted on Google Code.

You can checkout the currently developed SMSLib version (i.e. the "trunk") from here.

Subversion activity can be monitored from the Subversion ATOM feed. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the SMSLib Project Updates Group.

Please note that the repository snapshots may not always work properly. We try our best to commit codes that works, but don't forget that the repo is for development... If you are interested in stable versions, you are advised to follow the published releases.

Contact the author

Why would you want to contact me?

Do not contact me personally to request support. Read the previous paragraphs! I reserve the right to throw away your emails unless they contain information that should not be exchanged in public, like security or personal issues.

If you insist, my email address is [email protected]