8.7 Creating AOP proxies programmatically with the ProxyFactory

It's easy to create AOP proxies programmatically using Spring. This enables you to use Spring AOP without dependency on Spring IoC.

The following listing shows creation of a proxy for a target object, with one interceptor and one advisor. The interfaces implemented by the target object will automatically be proxied:

ProxyFactory factory = new ProxyFactory(myBusinessInterfaceImpl);
MyBusinessInterface tb = (MyBusinessInterface) factory.getProxy();

The first step is to construct an object of type org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactory. You can create this with a target object, as in the above example, or specify the interfaces to be proxied in an alternate constructor.

You can add interceptors or advisors, and manipulate them for the life of the ProxyFactory. If you add an IntroductionInterceptionAroundAdvisor you can cause the proxy to implement additional interfaces.

There are also convenience methods on ProxyFactory (inherited from AdvisedSupport) which allow you to add other advice types such as before and throws advice. AdvisedSupport is the superclass of both ProxyFactory and ProxyFactoryBean.


Integrating AOP proxy creation with the IoC framework is best practice in most applications. We recommend that you externalize configuration from Java code with AOP, as in general.