17.5 WebWork 2.x

From the WebWork homepage...

WebWork is a Java web-application development framework. It is built specifically with developer productivity and code simplicity in mind, providing robust support for building reusable UI templates, such as form controls, UI themes, internationalization, dynamic form parameter mapping to JavaBeans, robust client and server side validation, and much more.

WebWork is (in the opinion of this author) a very clean, elegant web framework. Its architecture and key concepts are not only very easy to understand, it has a rich tag library, nicely decoupled validation, and it is (again, in the opinion of this author) quite easy to be productive in next to no time at all (the documentation and tutorials are pretty good too).

One of the key enablers in WebWork's technology stack is an IoC container to manage Webwork Actions, handle the "wiring" of business objects, etc. Prior to WebWork version 2.2, WebWork used its own proprietary IoC container (and provided integration points so that one could integrate an IoC container such as Springs into the mix). However, as of WebWork version 2.2, the default IoC container that is used within WebWork is Spring. This is obviously great news if one is a Spring developer, because it means that one is immediately familiar with the basics of IoC configuration, idioms and suchlike within WebWork.

Now in the interests of adhering to the DRY (Dont Repeat Yourself) principle, it would be foolish to writeup the Spring-WebWork integration in light of the fact that the WebWork team have already written such a writeup. Please do consult the Spring-WebWork integration page on the WebWork wiki for the full lowdown.

Note that the Spring-WebWork integration code was developed (and continues to be maintained and improved) by the WebWork developers themselves, so in the first instance please do refer to the WebWork site and forums if you are having issues with the integration. Do feel free to post comments and queries regarding the Spring-WebWork integration on the Spring support forums too.