21.5 Support for JCA Message Endpoints

Beginning with version 2.5, Spring also provides support for a JCA-based MessageListener container. The JmsMessageEndpointManager will attempt to automatically determine the ActivationSpec class name from the provider's ResourceAdapter class name. Therefore, it is typically possible to just provide Spring's generic JmsActivationSpecConfig as shown in the following example.

<bean class="org.springframework.jms.listener.endpoint.JmsMessageEndpointManager">
    <property name="resourceAdapter" ref="resourceAdapter"/>
    <property name="activationSpecConfig">
        <bean class="org.springframework.jms.listener.endpoint.JmsActivationSpecConfig">
            <property name="destinationName" value="myQueue"/>
    <property name="messageListener" ref="myMessageListener"/>

Alternatively, you may set up a JmsMessageEndpointManager with a given ActivationSpec object. The ActivationSpec object may also come from a JNDI lookup (using <jee:jndi-lookup>).

<bean class="org.springframework.jms.listener.endpoint.JmsMessageEndpointManager">
    <property name="resourceAdapter" ref="resourceAdapter"/>
    <property name="activationSpec">
        <bean class="org.apache.activemq.ra.ActiveMQActivationSpec">
            <property name="destination" value="myQueue"/>
            <property name="destinationType" value="javax.jms.Queue"/>
    <property name="messageListener" ref="myMessageListener"/>

Using Spring's ResourceAdapterFactoryBean, the target ResourceAdapter may be configured locally as depicted in the following example.

<bean id="resourceAdapter" class="org.springframework.jca.support.ResourceAdapterFactoryBean">
    <property name="resourceAdapter">
        <bean class="org.apache.activemq.ra.ActiveMQResourceAdapter">
            <property name="serverUrl" value="tcp://localhost:61616"/>
    <property name="workManager">
        <bean class="org.springframework.jca.work.SimpleTaskWorkManager"/>

The specified WorkManager may also point to an environment-specific thread pool - typically through SimpleTaskWorkManager's "asyncTaskExecutor" property. Consider defining a shared thread pool for all your ResourceAdapter instances if you happen to use multiple adapters.

In some environments (e.g. WebLogic 9 or above), the entire ResourceAdapter object may be obtained from JNDI instead (using <jee:jndi-lookup>). The Spring-based message listeners can then interact with the server-hosted ResourceAdapter, also using the server's built-in WorkManager.

Please consult the JavaDoc for JmsMessageEndpointManager, JmsActivationSpecConfig, and ResourceAdapterFactoryBean for more details.

Spring also provides a generic JCA message endpoint manager which is not tied to JMS: org.springframework.jca.endpoint.GenericMessageEndpointManager. This component allows for using any message listener type (e.g. a CCI MessageListener) and any provided-specific ActivationSpec object. Check out your JCA provider's documentation to find out about the actual capabilities of your connector, and consult GenericMessageEndpointManager's JavaDoc for the Spring-specific configuration details.


JCA-based message endpoint management is very analogous to EJB 2.1 Message-Driven Beans; it uses the same underlying resource provider contract. Like with EJB 2.1 MDBs, any message listener interface supported by your JCA provider can be used in the Spring context as well. Spring nevertheless provides explicit 'convenience' support for JMS, simply because JMS is the most common endpoint API used with the JCA endpoint management contract.