3.2 Obtaining GreenPages

This document provides step-by-step instructions for building the GreenPages application with dm Server and the SpringSource dm Server Tools. In addition, the complete application is available as a ZIP file that can be built and installed into dm Server.

To get the completed GreenPages application and the starter projects to build GreenPages by steps:

  1. download the ZIP file from http://dist.springframework.org/release/DMSS/greenpages-1.0.0.RELEASE.zip, and

  2. extract all the files from the ZIP file to a convenient directory (preserving the directory structure).

To extract the files on Windows:

mkdir c:\springsource\samples
cd c:\springsource\samples
jar xf c:\path\to\greenpages-1.0.0.RELEASE.zip
set GREENPAGES_HOME=c:\springsource\samples\greenpages-1.0.0.RELEASE

To extract the files on Unix systems:

mkdir -p /opt/springsource/samples 
cd /opt/springsource/samples 
unzip /path/to/greenpages-1.0.0.RELEASE.zip 
export GREENPAGES_HOME=/opt/springsource/samples/greenpages-1.0.0.RELEASE

The environment variable GREENPAGES_HOME set here is not used by the projects, but is used as a shorthand in the instructions that follow.

The GreenPages zip file contains two main directories called solution and start. The solution directory contains the completed application which can be built and tested (as described below). The start directory contains the initial skeleton of the GreenPages application upon which the step-by-step creation instructions build.

To follow the step-by-step instructions start at Chapter 4, The Web Module.