SpringSource dm Server™ User Guide

Rob Harrop

Paul Kuzan

Sam Brannen

Damilola Senbanjo

Paul Harris

Christopher Frost

Ben Hale

SpringSource dm Server™


Copyright © SpringSource Inc., 2009

Table of Contents

1. Installing
1.1. Prerequisites
1.2. Installing from the ZIP Download
1.2.1. Downloading the ZIP file
1.2.2. Installing Linux Microsoft Windows
1.3. Post-installation steps
1.3.1. Set environment variable variables JAVA_HOME SERVER_HOME
2. Start and Stop SpringSource dm Server
2.1. Start
2.1.1. Linux
2.1.2. Microsoft Windows
2.2. Clean Start
2.2.1. Linux
2.2.2. Microsoft Windows
2.3. Start in debug mode
2.3.1. Linux
2.3.2. Microsoft Windows
2.4. Start with JMX Access Modifications
2.4.1. Linux
2.4.2. Microsoft Windows
2.5. Start with custom configuration directory
2.5.1. Linux
2.5.2. Windows
2.6. Stop
2.6.1. Linux
2.6.2. Microsoft Windows
3. The Web based Administration Console
3.1. Authentication with the Admin Console
3.2. The sections of the Admin Console
4. Provisioning Repository
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Repository Structure
4.3. Installing Bundles
4.4. Installing Libraries
4.5. Finding Bundles in the SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository
4.6. Configuring the repository
5. Serviceability
5.1. Log Files
5.2. Trace
5.2.1. Application Output Per-application trace System.out and System.err
5.2.2. Roll-over of trace files
5.3. Service Dumps
6. Working with Applications
6.1. Deploying Artifact
6.1.1. Hot Deploy
6.1.2. Manually Deploy
6.1.3. What Happens When You Deploy
6.1.4. Deployment Ordering
6.1.5. Restrictions
6.2. Undeploying an Artifact
6.2.1. Hot Undeploy
6.2.2. Manually Undeploy
7. Configuring the SpringSource dm Server
7.1. Configuring Serviceability
7.1.1. Configuring tracing
7.1.2. Configuring logging
7.1.3. Configuring dump files
7.2. Configuring the Embedded Tomcat Servlet Container
7.2.1. Servlet Container Configuration
7.2.2. Connector Configuration
7.2.3. Load Balancing Configuration
7.2.4. Cluster Configuration
7.2.5. Tomcat Configuration Files
7.3. Configuring Equinox
7.3.1. Configuring the telnet console
7.4. Configuring Deployment
7.4.1. Configuring the Deployment Timeout
7.5. Configuring the Provisioning Repository
7.5.1. Search Paths Wildcards System properties
7.5.2. Example configurations Replace bundles/usr with an Ivy cache Replace bundles/usr with a Maven local repository
8. Known Issues
8.1. Timeout During Startup Due to Firewall Settings
8.2. OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space running on Sun VM
9. Log Error Codes
9.1. Log Codes
9.1.1. Subsystem Codes
9.1.2. Error Number
9.1.3. Event Severity
9.2. Detailed Log Codes
9.2.1. Concurrent Log Codes
9.2.2. Control Log Codes
9.2.3. Config Log Codes
9.2.4. Deployer Log Codes
9.2.5. FFDC Log Codes
9.2.6. Bootstrap Log Codes
9.2.7. Kernel Log Codes
9.2.8. OSGi Log Codes
9.2.9. Profile Log Codes
9.2.10. Servlet Log Codes
9.2.11. Web Log Codes
10. Further Reading