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Xandros has created a desktop solution that combines the best of open source technologies with a corporate attention to completeness, usability, and support. Version 1 of the Desktop product was based on the award winning Corel LINUX OS and represents the next step in the evolution of the Corel desktop. Based in Ottawa, the Xandros team includes the world-renowned developers and architects of the award winning Corel LINUX OS. Xandros has inherited a sizeable user base from Corel LINUX OS from which it is significantly expanding its market presence. Xandros is currently developing its direct and indirect distribution channels for corporate, government, home, and educational users world wide. Xandros has established a world class technical support team. Xandros is also developing an extensive professional services presence to enhance its capabilities to support relationships with larger clients and partners.

Xandros是这样一套桌面解决方案,它结合了开放源码技术的精华与企业所关注的完整性、可用性和相关支持。Xandros桌面版本1基于曾获得大奖的 Corel LINUX OS,并代表了Corel桌面发展的方向。Xandros团队位于渥太华,它包括一些享有世界声誉的开发人员,以及曾使Corel LINUX OS获奖的那些设计师。Xandros继承了Corel LINUX OS的相当多数的用户,它将以此大力扩展其市场占有额。眼下Xandros正在面向公司、政府、家庭和全世界的教育界用户开拓其直接或间接的销售渠道。 Xandros已经组建了一个世界级的技术支持小组。为了增强其支持大客户及大合作伙伴的能力,Xandros也在开发一套强化的面向专业服务的版本。

Xandros公司宣布它与Corel公司签署了一项具有战略意义的专利使用权转让协定,Xandros将有权使用Corel的Linux桌面操作系统及相关技术。这家新成立的公司将在其母公司Linux Global Partners的资助下集中精力开拓桌面和服务器市场。


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