The realm of the build czar

Build Czar Duties

The main duties of the Build Czar are summarized as follows

  • Continuously monitor the builds using the Scoreboard as one of the primary source of information.
  • Notify developers who broke compilation to fix the errors as soon as possible, ideally by the next day. A red color in the "Compile" column is not at all acceptable - the Build Czar needs to ensure that these problems are identified and fixed in a timely manner. If possible, the Build Czar should let developers know what the source of problems might be. It is quite possible that developers who checked in the code or users who provided the patch may not have resources to investigate the issues, so the Builds Czar's help is essential to keep things moving ahead.
  • Keep an eye on the tests that are run in every build. Anything abnormal needs to be notified to the right developer. The Build Czar should try helping the developer by providing stack traces (in case of crashes) or other details like printouts with debugging level turned on.
  • Some tests fail in the daily builds for many reasons like known bugs, transient timeouts etc. Make sure that no new test failures show up. This guy knows most of the information. Ask him to help you out with known problems.
  • Keep an eye on the footprint and performance stats. Any abnormal changes should be brought to the attention of the developer resposible for it or to the devo group.
  • Keep the builds ticking. Any red on the "Last Finished" column in the Scoreboard should be fixed. The link to the "Build Name" indicates the machine where the build is being run.
  • The builds don't cover all the possible configurations. If you get a bug report about a compile error in a particular configuration, try setting up a build to make sure that it doesn't show up again if it has been fixed.
  • Keep an eye on the bugzilla entries that are registered by users and developers. Decide on the bugs that need to be fixed for the beta and pain developers for an ETA.

    The document here talks about the powers of a build Czar.

    The Build Czar is empowered to set up more builds on his own for his convenience. This page has a step by step instructions on how to do that.

    The build czar can get the build configuration by looking at the config portion of the scoreboard.

    Pro-active involvement by the build czar is necessary. Being a pro-active build czar requires monitoring the subversion archive carefully and responding quickly to suspected changes to keep the repo stays stable.

    Recipe for Cutting a Beta/Minor Kit

    The build czar is also in charge for the release of the beta. Cutting a beta is as simple as cutting butter if things go well. Here is the procedure followed while cutting a beta:

    1. The whole process takes somewhere between 8-9 hours, it now takes much longer than the original 2 hours for making the release itself where as generating the doxygen documentation now completes in around this 2-3 hours mark.
    2. I suggest you take advantage of GNU Screen so that even if your SSH session is interrupted, the cutting process can continue. This command is available on both of the two machines we use to cut the release.
      • type screen to start screen.
      • execute commands as normal. Note that Ctrl-A is special in screen, so you need to type Ctrl-A-A to send a Ctrl-A to the shell
      • should your session be interrupted, reconnect and type screen -x
      • when finished, just type exit twice
    3. Prior to starting this, gather aggregate release notes from all developers. This is usually in the form of an email plea asking for a writeup of significant changes since the last beta. Add these notes to the NEWS files before cutting the release so that all notes are part of the release.
    4. Checkout a new workspace on
    5. Set $DOC_ROOT to point to the new workspace you checked out.
    6. Set an environment variable SIGNATURE indicating your full name. This is used to fill the ChangeLog entry.
    7. Set an environment variable MAILID indicating your mail id. This is used to fill the mail id portion of the ChangeLog entry.
    8. Change directories to $DOC_ROOT
    9. Tag the release by executing
      ACE/bin/ --beta --update --tag
      This will only take a couple minutes to complete and once done successfully, you can carry on with BOTH creating the kits and generating the doxygen documentation in parallel. NOTE that --beta should be replaced with --minor or --major as appropriate.

    10. In the EXTREMELY unlikely event that something goes wrong during the tagging of the repo, the following files must be returned to the state they were in before the release process started and then checked back into SVN:
      In most cases, a
      svn revert -R *
      from DOC_ROOT will suffice.
      The tag will also need to be removed (both in Middleware and MPC): ACE+TAO+CIAO-X_Y_Z (where X is the ACE Major version number, and Y & Z are the Minor and Beta release numbers of the release that is to be restarted).

      svn rm
      svn rm

      Note that this only needs to be done if the tagging fails. If kit creation fails, simply restart that process.

    11. Create the kits by executing
      ACE/bin/ --kit
      This will take somewhere arround 4-8 hours to complete.
      • These commands only tags and creates the kits for the software itself, not documentation, this can be started in parrellel with this activity.
      • The kits end up in /export/anduriltmp/bczar/packages

      To summarize, the following is a transcript of the steps up to this point executing successfully:

      $ ssh [email protected]
      No default printer
      -bash-3.00$ screen
      -bash-3.00$ cd /export/anduriltmp/bczar
      -bash-3.00$ export DOC_ROOT=$PWD/DOC_ROOT
      -bash-3.00$ export SIGNATURE="Johnny Willemsen"
      -bash-3.00$ export [email protected]
      -bash-3.00$ svn co DOC_ROOT
      -bash-3.00$ svn co DOC_ROOT/ACE/MPC
      -bash-3.00$ cd DOC_ROOT/
      -bash-3.00$ ACE/bin/ --beta --update --tag
      -bash-3.00$ ACE/bin/ --kit

      Feel free to cut and paste with suitable edits.

    12. The packages end up by default under $DOC_ROOT/package-<PID>, you can copy them to the webserver using the following commands. (Note that <PID> needs to be the numerical pid of the process that created the kit, use
      ls -ald
      to determine the correct filename.) At the moment you execute these commands all users can download these packages.

    13. cp $DOC_ROOT/package-<PID>/ACE* /export/www/download.dre/ACE+TAO-distribution
    14. After the repository is tagged you can also start generating the doxygen documentation in parrellel with the kit generation above.
      • Login to as bczar and start a screen session:
        ssh [email protected]
      • After login check that you can,
        ssh [email protected]
        to ensure that this succeeds. If not fix the problem, if ok exit again back to naboo. The make script tries to copy the tar.gz files to the website using ssh.
      • cd /web/users/isisbuilds/tmp/ACE_wrappers
        and remove the contents of this directory with

      • rm -rf *
      • Update the workspace with the right version tag (replace the X_Y_Z with the ACE version number being released e.g. 5_6_7)
        svn co svn:// ACE_wrappers
        svn co svn:// ACE_wrappers/TAO
        svn co svn:// ACE_wrappers/TAO/CIAO
      • Set the needed environment variables using
        export ACE_ROOT=/web/users/isisbuilds/tmp/ACE_wrappers/ACE_wrappers
      • Check the doxygen version at the shell by executing the command:
        doxygen --version
      • Open up $ACE_ROOT/bin/generate_rel_manpages in your favorite editor.
        Search for the string 'doxy_version'.
        Check that the version specified in the file is the same as the one you got using the shell command. If it is different change the value of the doxy_version to the one installed on
      • Then exit the editor. Check the file, generate_rel_manpages back into the repository if you have made some changes to it.
        Now you are ready to create documentation
      • cd $ACE_ROOT
        make -f Release manpages

    15. While doxygen churns, format a release announcement, including the release notes gathered from developers.
      • Get from bugzilla the bugs fixed. Use the following query as start query and update the start date.
      • Let Doug Schmidt review these before you do anything with them.
    16. Make sure the new version is available in Bugzilla.

    17. Back on once the doxygen generation has finished, update the documentation at

    18. Back on where the kit was being generated and once BOTH the kit and doxygen generation have finished their work, you should also move the packages to the previous versions directory with the appropriate decorators.
      • cd /export/www/download.dre/ACE+TAO-distribution
      • Check that the packages in this directory are all from today
      • Modify /export/anduriltmp/bczar/ to use the correct ACE version X.Y.Z and run it.

    19. Mail the approved release announcement out to, at minimum the following: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. Do this as yourself (not as bugzilla). N.B. You will not be able to post to the users' lists unless you are subscribed to them. Odds are you will not be able to post to the announce lists at all. Ask someone else (like Doug or Johnny) to do this step.
    20. When all cidlc builds are ready with the new version, login to as bczar and run ./ version-number where the version-number is the CIAO release just made. For example
      ./ 0.6.7
      If this script is not in its place, then the original is in the bin directory of the distribution.
    21. Update in the autobuild archive the file configs/scoreboard/releases.xml with the made release (version number and release date). This is used by the integrated scoreboard on Remember to do a changelog entry.
    22. Update the ACE_wrappers repo (remember to create a changelog entry, and possiably archive the old changelog to the changelog directory if this has become too long):
      • docs/Download.html to show the new release. Make sure you refer to the previous_versions directory, that way we can exactly track how many people download a specific version.
      • etc/index.hml to show the new doxygen package you installed
      • bin/ to give the correct default old_date for this release.
    23. Update the NEWS, TAO/NEWS, and TAO/CIAO/NEWS files to have a new section for the next release.
    24. Update the rpmbuild/*.spec files to have a new version for the next release.
    25. Validate the packages on the webserver whether they are really containing the new release. Make at least one builid where you run the TAO Hello world test and check if the libraries are having the correct version number.

    Tips to being a Build Czar

    1. Trust no one.
    2. Be careful with this guy, he is notorious in breaking builds (and fixing them as well...Rumour has it that it's actually a super-scalar, super-pipelined processor capable of out-of-order execution, in human incarnation).
    3. Don't forgive people who break ACE :-)
    4. If a build hasn't run in a long time (symptoms are a "red" in the Last Run column of the build scoreboard), delete the .disable file in /path/to/build/directory/BUILD_NAME/ by hand.
    5. Think of the group who wrote the scoreboard update script, every time you catch an otherwise not so obvious error with the help of the scoreboard. Tell DEVO group about it.
    6. Send a note to [email protected] asking for the repo to be frozen. Provide them a list of names, including yourself and bczar to be granted write permission.
    7. Compile once on Win32, Linux and Solaris before cutting a beta.
    8. Trust the release script when making a release. Don't make tar balls by hand. Make sure that the public ftp directories (/project/beguine/ftp/pub/ACE+TAO-distribution and /project/beguine/ftp/pub/ACE+TAO-distribution/diffs) have the right permissions, so that the release script can copy the tar balls.
    9. When making a release, make sure that all the auto_compiles on that machine ( are stopped. Also make sure that there is enough space in /tmp on that machine.
    10. When all hell breaks loose, don't wait for the nightly builds to monitor improvement. Instead manually start the builds.
    11. Maintain private up-to-date workspaces for problem platforms (read as Solaris).
    12. Don't hesitate to ask for help.
    13. When you get an account to access the svn repo, make sure you are added to the correct groups, for example, gid=100(users),5000(doc),5002(acetaodev),5003(cvs). Otherwise you will have problem to checkout various modules.
    14. Install your public key to the different machines you have frequent access to avoid typing password.
    15. Update this page if you have any more tips for future build czars :-). This page is in svn under ACE_wrappres/docs/bczar/bczar.html

    The Realm of the Build Czar

    Build Czar Arthur

    Many years have passes since the days of the legendary Build Czar Arthur. His duties were given to him by the mystical Lady of the Lake, who outlined the first responsibilities of the Build Czar.

    Then bespake the Lady of the Lake,
    And these were the words said shee:
    "I knoweth of thy deeds, thou noble Arthur,
    but thy task hath not finished for thee"

    "Thou shalt feitch thy trusty steed,
    And cleanse thy builds againe;
    Then shallt thy ryde hath finnished,
    When new kits released thee cann."

    Then bespake him noble Arthur
    And these were the words said he:
    "With what weapons shallt I use,
    To asure these from the devil free?"

    Then appeered before noble Arthur,
    Uppon the ground a sacred scroll
    Conjurred by the Lady of the Lake
    Borne of the earth in a roll.

    She saies, "Clasp this to thine selfe
    For thee shallt find need for it.
    It shall keep others in the cold,
    Only to be ressurected when thee sees fit."

    "Others shall join thy person,
    To ryde with thee in thy quest;
    Thee shallt be thankful of theire help,
    And to alsoe hold them steadfast."

    "But if theire talke too lodly rise,
    And causeth much damage to thine cuntry,
    He must come forth, and make proclamation,
    For the next one he shall be."

    So hath Arthur to the Lady spoke:
    "For I sweare, and save my othe,
    While enimes and evils I seeke,
    I shall fight against them bothe.