
amdump — back up all disks in an Amanda configuration


amdump config [ host [disk...] ...] [ -o configoption]...


Amdump switches to the appropriate Amanda configuration directory, e.g. /usr/local/etc/amanda/config, then attempts to back up every disk specified by the amanda.conf file. Amdump is normally run by cron.

You can specify many host/disk expressions, only disks that match an expression will be dumped. All disks are dumped if no expressions are given.

If the file /usr/local/etc/amanda/config/hold exists, amdump will wait until it is removed before starting the backups. This allows scheduled backups to be delayed when circumstances warrant, for example, if the tape device is being used for some other purpose. While waiting, amdump checks for the hold file every minute.

See the amanda(8) man page for more details about Amanda.


host [disk]*

Specify the host and disk on which the command will work.

-o configoption

See the "CONFIGURATION OVERRIDE" section in amanda(8).


Here is a typical crontab entry. It runs amdump every weeknight at 1 a.m. as user bin:

0 1 * * 1-5 bin /usr/local/sbin/amdump daily

Please see the crontab(5) or crontab(1) manual page for the correct crontab format for your system.


amdump: waiting for hold file to be removed

The "hold" file exists and amdump is waiting for it to be removed before starting backups.

amdump: amdump or amflush is already running, or you must run amcleanup

Amdump detected another amdump or amflush running, or the remains of a previous incomplete amdump or amflush run. This run is terminated. If the problem is caused by the remains of a previous run, you must execute amcleanup(8) and then rerun amdump.


James da Silva, : Original text

Stefan G. Weichinger, , maintainer of the Amanda-documentation: XML-conversion


amanda(8), amcheck(8), amcleanup(8), amrestore(8), amflush(8), cron(8)