
amverify — check an Amanda tape for errors


amverify config [ slot [runtapes]]


Amverify reads an Amanda format tape and makes sure each backup image can be processed by amrestore and, if possible, the appropriate restore program (e.g. tar).

Amverify runs amrestore on each file of the tape and pipes the output to a restore program (if available) with an option to create a catalogue of the backup. The catalogue itself is discarded. Only the success or failure of the operation itself is reported.

If the backup image cannot be processed by the restore program, e.g. if it was written on a different operating system, the image is sent through dd to /dev/null. This still determines if the tape is readable, but does not do any internal consistency check on the image.

If config is set up to use a tape changer, the slot argument may be used to choose the first tape to process. Otherwise, the current slot is used.

The runtapes configuration parameter determines how many tapes are processed unless it is specified on the command line.

See the amanda(8) man page for more details about Amanda.


Axel Zinser : Original text

Stefan G. Weichinger, , maintainer of the Amanda-documentation: XML-conversion


amrestore(8), amanda(8), amverifyrun(8)