Android NDK ChangeLog:



- Allow dlclose() to properly call static C++ destructors when unloading
  a shared library. This requires changes in both the C library and the
  build system. IMPORTANT: This feature is only available for API level 9.

- Fix packaging error for system libraries of level 5 and 8. The libraries
  bundled with the NDK and used at link time were not the correct version,
  and this prevented linking against certain symbols appropriately.

- ndk-gdb: do not start activity unless --start or --launch is used.
  (the documentation was correct, the implementation wrong)

- The system headers for all API levels have been cleaned up and will
  not provide the declarations of functions that are not available in
  the corresponding system libraries.


- Support for API level 9, (a.k.a. Android 2.3) which adds the following
  native features to the platform:

     - Native audio API through the OpenSL ES Standard.
       New headers <SLES/OpenSLES.h> and <SLES/OpenSLES_Android.h>
       are provided to allow applications targetting this API level to perform
       low-latency audio input, output and processing directly from native

     - Native activity support, i.e. the ability to build applications that
       are coded entirely in C or C++. More precisely, such applications still
       run inside a VM, and will have to access most of the platform's features
       using JNI (i.e. native code calling VM methods). However, this also
       comes with a series of headers and libraries to implement the following
       directly from native code:

          - activity lifecycle management.
          - user input handling (touch, keyboard, trackball, ...).
          - window management (including accessing the pixel buffer).
          - sensor listeners (e.g. accelerometer, compass, ...).
          - hardware configuration management.
          - easily reading assets out of an APK from native code.
          - access to the storage manager, a new feature of Android X.X
            that allows one to provide Opaque Binary Objects containing
            large amounts of data outside of the APK.

       See the documentation in docs/STABLE-APIS.html for more details.

       Note that most of these new features are targetted at game developers.

- Improved gdbserver binary to allow debugging _threaded_ programs properly
  with ndk-gdb (the previous binary could only set breakpoints on the main


  The root cause of the problem is a platform bug that was only fixed in
  2.3. If you try to debug on a previous platform, the gdbserver binary
  will only be able to set breakpoints on the main thread.

  For more information, see the specific section in docs/NDK-GDB.html.

- Easier debuggable builds: just invoke ndk-build while defining the
  NDK_DEBUG variable to 1, as in:

      $NDK/ndk-build NDK_DEBUG=1

  This will have the same result that setting the android:debuggable="true"
  in the <application> element of your AndroidManifest.xml file. See the
  file docs/NDK-BUILD.html for more details.

  Note that you will need to use the SDKr8 build tools to use this feature

- Refresh of system C++ headers:

     - Headers have been moved out of the platform directory hierarchy.
       This is to prevent conflicts with other STLs like STLport or the
       GNU libstdc++ which provide their own version of the headers, but
       does not affect your builds.

     - The list of headers has grown to include the following:

            cassert, cctype, cerrno, cfloat, climits, cmath,
            csetjmp, csignal, cstddef, cstdint, cstdio, cstdlib,
            cstring, ctime, cwchar, new, typeinfo, utility

    Note that they still correspond to our minimal C++ runtime, no new feature
    was introduced here.

- Support for C++ exceptions and RTTI. See docs/CPLUSPLUS-SUPPORT.html for
  all details (and limitations).

- STLport implementation: Add sources and prebuilt binaries for a port of
  the STLport C++ Standard Library (, and an easy way to use
  it at build time by defining APP_STL in your See
  docs/APPLICATION-MK.html and docs/CPLUSPLUS-SUPPORT.html for all details.

- GNU libstdc++ implementation: Available as a static library that you can
  select for your application through APP_STL. See docs/CPLUSPLUS-SUPPORT.html
  for all details.

- Add support for prebuilt libraries with the PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY and
  PREBUILT_STATIC_LIBRARIES build scripts. See the new documentation
  file named docs/PREBUILTS.html for explanations and usage examples.

- Support for module exports: A module can now define a set of compiler or
  linker flags that will be automatically 'imported' by any other module that

  This is achieved with the help of new variables named
  LOCAL_EXPORT_LDLIBS. See docs/ANDROID-MK.html for mode documentation, and
  a 'samples/module-exports' for a sample project that uses this.

- Add support to specify a different file name for generated files, through
  the new LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME variable. See docs/ANDROID-MK.html for an

- Add support for module imports, through the NDK_MODULE_PATH environment
  variable and the new 'import-module' function. This allows you to avoid
  hard-coding the path of third-party modules into your project files.

  See docs/IMPORT-MODULE.html for details.

- Add the content of LOCAL_C_INCLUDES to gdb.setup to make native debugging
  easier. Also fixes an issue that prevented clean parallel builds of
  debuggable applications to work correctly. This fixes an error message that

      /bin/sh: <project>/libs/armeabi/gdb.setup: No such file or directory

  When doing a "ndk-build -j<number>", with <number> bigger than 1.

- Add support for assembly-level source filtering. See the description of
  LOCAL_FILTER_ASM in docs/ANDROID-MK.html for more details. This can be useful
  for certain kinds of obfuscation tasks.

- This NDK comes with a new toolchain (named arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3)
  which provides many benefits, including:

     - Better code generation than the previous one (gcc-4.4.0)
     - On Windows, the binaries do not depend on Cygwin anymore.
     - The ability to use it as a stand-alone cross-compiler
       (see docs/STANDALONE-TOOLCHAIN.html for all details).

  The binaries for gcc-4.4.0 are still provided for backwards compatibility.
  Use NDK_TOOLCHAIN=arm-eabi-4.4.0 in your environment to force its usage.
  Note that it is now deprecated and will be removed in a future NDK release.

  IMPORTANT: The old toolchain doesn't properly support exceptions, RTTI,
             STLport and GNU libstdc++.

  The binaries for the already-deprecated gcc-4.2.1 have been removed.

- The 'cpufeatures' library has been updated to provide better architecture
  and features detection (including a work-around for buggy ARMv6 kernels
  which report an architecture version of 7).

  The library is now also available as an import module, to simplify its
  usage in your build scripts. See the updated docs/CPU-FEATURES.html file
  for details.

  NOTE: Please update your to use module imports as soon as
        possible. The location $NDK/source/cpufeatures/ is deprecated
        and will be removed in a future NDK release. Avoid referencing
        it directly in your build scritps!


- Reduced the size of generated binaries by using --strip-unneeded
  instead of --strip-debug. This gets rid of mor symbol table entries
  in release shared libraries and executables, without impacting
  runtime execution.

- Fix bad automatic dependency tracking when using multiple source

- The path to system headers is now included last in the compilation command
  line. This prevents conflicts with source code that define their own headers
  with similar names (e.g. a custom "err.h" was ignored, because the system
  <err.h> was used instead).

- Update documentation for 'my-dir' function to explain that, due to the
  way GNU Make works, it really returns the path of the last included
  Makefile (instead of the current one). Also provide examples on how
  to deal with it.

- Now has an --out-dir=<path> option to specify the
  output directory where the packages are going to be copied. Also
  ensure that generated packages have go+r permissions.

- ndk-build will now properly escape arguments. This means that something
  like this:

     ndk-build  MY_CFLAGS="-DFOO -DBAR"

  will now work correctly.

- Add --git-http option to and in order to download sources from through HTTP.

- ndk-gdb: properly launch activities for which name does not contain any dot.

- ndk-gdb: add --delay=<timeout> option to specify a delay in seconds
  between activity launch and gdbserver attach. This is needed because certain
  activities can take a long time to properly launch. The default delay is
  also increased to 2 seconds (instead of 1).

- build/tools/ copy the sysroot to the build directory. This
  avoids the generated toolchain binaries from hard-coding host build paths.

- Platform files are now under $NDK/platforms instead of $NDK/build/platforms

- Toolchain files are now under $NDK/toolchains instead of
  $NDK/build/toolchains and $NDK/build/prebuilt.

- Release and debug objects are stored under two different directories now
  (i.e. obj/local/<abi>/objs and obj/local/<abi>/objs-debug). This
  prevents rebuilding *everything* when you switch between these two modes,
  which can be a real time-saver for complex projects.

- Fixed a bug that duplicated the LOCAL_LDFLAGS in the final link command
  when LOCAL_ALLOW_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS was not set to 'true'


This release fixes a few bugs in r4 scripts. There are no new features.


- build/tools/ mktemp expects 'XXXXXX' instead of 'XXX'.
  Fix the script (and others in the same directory) to do that properly.

- ndk-gdb: check the target device's API level, and dump an error message if
  it is not at least 8 (Android 2.2 a.k.a. Froyo). Fix script to properly
  remove control characters like '\r' from adb shell's output. Also fix
  script to work properly with OS X's BSD awk.

- ndk-build: Make AndroidManifest.xml optional. Now the build scripts will try
  to look for jni/ if no manifest is found. If you don't use this,
  you can also define NDK_PROJECT_PATH to point to your tree.

  Also, on Windows, check that a Cygwin-compatible make executable is being
  used, and dump a readable help message to solve the issue if this is not
  the case.

- Place generated binaries under $PROJECT_PATH/obj/ instead of
  $PROJECT_PATH/bin/ndk/. The 'bin' directory is sometimes cleaned
  by the JDT, resulting in the inability to properly load symbol versions
  of the shared libraries when running ndk-gdb.

- Warn when sources with unsupported extensions are used in LOCAL_SRC_FILES.
  Previous behaviour was to silently ignore them.

- Set the optimization mode to 'debug' automatically if the manifest sets
  android:debuggable to 'true'. You can override this by using
  'APP_OPTIM := release' in your, or by adding '-O2' to

  Note that even in release mode, the NDK build scripts will produce
  binaries with symbols under obj/local/<abi>/ that will be used for
  debugging with gdb. However, the debugger will have a harder time to
  print proper local variable values that have been optimized out or
  even set breakpoints properly.



- The <fenv.h> header was not placed in the correct location and could not
  be found by normal builds.


- On Windows, Cygwin 1.7 or higher is now required. The NDK will not
  work properly with Cygwin 1.5 which is now officially obsolete

- Simplified build system: You no longer need to run build/
  or modify anything under $NDK_ROOT/apps/. Instead, just invoke the
  new 'ndk-build' script from your application's project directory, or
  one of its sub-directories.

  See docs/OVERVIEW.html and docs/NDK-BUILD.html for more details.

  NOTE: For compatibility purpose, you can still define projects
        through $NDK_ROOT/apps/<name> though.

        However, not that sample applications have moved from
        'apps/<name>/project' to 'samples/<name>' and now must
        be built with 'ndk-build'. The source code of pre-existing
        samples didn't change though.

- Easy native debugging support when running debuggable applications
  on Android 2.2 or higher, through the new 'ndk-gdb' helper script.
  See docs/NDK-GDB.html for details.

- Support for hardware FPU. This is through the new 'armeabi-v7a' ABI
  corresponding to ARMv7-a class devices.

  Note that by default, the NDK will still generate machine code for the old
  'armeabi' ABI (ARMv5TE based) which is supported by all official Android
  system images to date.

  You will need to define APP_ABI in your file to change this.
  See docs/APPLICATION-MK.html

  More details about ABIs is now available in docs/CPU-ARCH-ABIS.html

- A small static library named 'cpufeatures' is provided with source code
  and can be used at runtime to determine the CPU features supported by the
  target device. It should run on all Android platforms, starting from 1.5.

  For more information, see docs/CPU-FEATURES.html

- Support for the optional ARM Advanced SIMD (a.k.a. NEON) instruction set
  extension through the use the LOCAL_ARM_NEON variable in, or
  the '.neon' suffix when listing source files.

  Neon is an *optional* instruction set extension, and not all Android ARMv7
  devices will support it. You will need to use the 'cpufeatures' library to
  determine if such code can be used at runtime, and provide alternate code
  paths if this is not the case. This is similar to MMX/SSE/3DNow on x86

  For more information, see docs/CPU-ARM-NEON.html

- Added a new sample (hello-neon) to demonstrate usage of 'cpufeatures'
  and NEON intrinsics and build support.

- Added <android/bitmap.h>, a new stable API available from android-8
  (a.k.a. Android 2.2) to reliably access the pixel buffer of an object from native code. See docs/STABLE-API.html
  and the new sample program under 'samples/bitmap-plasma' for details
  and usage example.

- Support the NX (No Execute) security feature, where special sections
  are added to the generated shared libraries to instruct the kernel
  that code shall not be executed from the heap and stack by default.

  See docs/ANDROID-MK.html to see how to disable this, plus reference
  links for more information.


- support the .s extension for raw assembly sources (.S is already supported
  but the input files are parsed by the C-preprocessor before being sent to
  the assembler).

- build/ has been removed. There is no need for a 'setup' step
  when using the NDK for the first time. All host-specific autodetection and
  basic tool sanity checking have been moved to the build scripts themselves.

- APP_MODULES in is now optional. If not defined, the NDK
  will simply build _all_ the modules that are declared from your

  You can still use APP_MODULES to restrict the set of modules you want to
  build. Note that the NDK now computes the transitive dependencies of these
  modules for you now. See docs/APPLICATION-MK.html for details.

- docs/STABLE-APIS.html: Add missing section for Dynamic Linker Library
  ( It is actually supported by all API levels.

- build/tools/ Use 'master' branch by default
  instead of the 'eclair' one.

- Allow ad-hoc patching of toolchain sources when rebuilding
  them. This is primarily to ease development. All you need to do is put a patch
  under build/tools/toolchain-patches/<foo>/<name>.patch, and it will be applied
  with 'patch -p1' into the <foo> directory of the unpacked toolchain sources
  before the configure step.

- docs/CPU-ARCH-ABIS.html: Mention the experimental 'x86' ABI.

- build/core/ Removed obsolete script.

- the NDK build script now only parses the and of
  the applications listed by APP. The error messages when APP is empty or
  malformed have also been improved.

- removed the annoying 'the mangling of 'va_list' has changed in GCC 4.4'
  warning when building with GCC 4.4.0 for ARM.

- C Library header fixes:

    For all platforms:

        - <arpa/inet.h>: no longer includes <netinet/in6.h>.
        - <ctype.h>: better inlining with -ansi option.
        - <mntent.h>: add missing include for <stdio.h>.
        - <netinet/in.h>: include <netinet/in6.h> and define in6addr_any +
        - <netinet/in6.h>: add IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP,
          IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT, ipv6mr_interface.
        - <sys/epoll.h>: add missing C++ inclusion guards.
        - <sys/resource.h>: add missing rlim_t declaration.
        - <sys/system_properties.h>: add missing C++ inclusion guards.
        - <time64.h>: add missing C++ inclusion guards.
        - <netdb.h>: move h_errno declaration inside C++ inclusion guards.

- C Library changes:

    For android-8 (a.k.a. Android 2.2):

        - <dlfcn.h>: add DL_info and dladdr().
        - <err.h>: add err(), warn() and other variants.
        - <regex.h>, <fts.h>, <sys/queue.h>: added
        - <pthread.h>: add pthread_condattr_t
        - <sched.h>: added proper clone() declaration (and implementation).
        - <signal.h>: added killpg().
        - <stdio.h>: add fdprintf() and vfdprintf().
        - <stdlib.h>: fix ptsname_r() signature in declaration. previous
          implementation was broken anyway.
        - <unistd.h>: add getusershell(), setusershell(), endusershell(),
          ttyname(), ttyname_r(), TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY. Fix usleep() signature
          (now returns int).
        - <wchar.h>: add fake mbstowcs() and wcstombs().

  More details available under docs/system/libc/CHANGES.html



- Fix build/ to execute as a Bourne shell script (again)

- Make target shared libraries portable to systems that don't use the exact
  same toolchain. This is needed due to differences in libgcc.a implementations
  between gcc 4.2.1 and 4.4.0. This change ensures that generated machine
  code doesn't depend on helper functions provided by the Android platform


- GCC 4.4.0 is now used by default by the NDK. It generates better code than
  GCC 4.2.1, which was used in previous releases. However, the compiler's C++
  frontend is also a lot more pedantic regarding certain template constructs
  and will even refuse to build some of them.

  For this reason, the NDK also comes with GCC 4.2.1 prebuilt binaries, and
  you can force its usage by defining NDK_TOOLCHAIN in your environment to
  the value 'arm-eabi-4.2.1'. For example:

        export NDK_TOOLCHAIN=arm-eabi-4.2.1
        make APP=hello-jni

  Note that only the 'armeabi' ABI is supported by the 4.2.1 toolchain. We
  recommend switching to 4.2.1 *only* if you encounter compilation problems
  with 4.4.0.

  The 4.2.1 prebuilt binaries will probably be removed from a future release
  of the Android NDK, we thus *strongly* invite you to fix your code if such
  problems happen.

- Support for OpenGL ES 2.0. This is through the new 'android-5' platform to
  reflect Android 2.0 (previously the Eclair branch). This is merely a copy
  of android-4 that also includes headers and libraries for OpenGL ES 2.0.

  See the sample named "hello-gl2" for a *very* basic demonstration. Note that
  OpenGL ES 2.0 is currently *not* available from Java, and must be used
  through native code exclusively.

  IMPORTANT: OpenGL ES 2.0 is not supported in the Android emulator at this
             time. Running/testing any native code that depends on it thus
             requires a real device.

- The NDK build script will now remove installed binaries from the application
  project's path before starting the build. This ensures that:

  - if the build fails for some reason, a stale/obsolete file is not left in
    your application project tree by mistake.

  - if you change the target ABI, a stale/obsolete file is not left into the
    folder corresponding to the old ABI.

- Updated the STABLE-APIS.html document to clarify the OpenGL ES 1.0/1.1/2.0
  issues regarding specific devices (i.e. 1.0 supported everywhere, 1.1 and
  2.0 on specific devices only, need for <uses-feature> tag in manifest).


- Actually use the awk version detected by during the build.

- Only allow undefined symbols when LOCAL_ALLOW_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS is set
  to 'true', just like the documentation says it works. Also fix a typo
  in CLEAR_VARS that prevented this variable from being cleared properly.

- Simplified build/tools/, the --prebuilt-dir option is
  gone, and --help will dump a clearer description of expected options
  and input files.

- Added --prebuilt-ndk=FILE option to build/tools/ script to
  package a new experimental NDK package archive from the current source tree
  plus the toolchain binaries of an existing NDK release package. E.g.:

    build/tools/ \

  will generate a new NDK package in /tmp/ndk-release that contains the most
  up-to-date build scripts, plus the toolchain binaries from 1.6_r1 (which
  are not in the git repository).

  Also added the --no-git option to collect all sources from the current
  NDK root directory, instead of the list given by 'git ls-files'. This can
  be useful if you don't want to checkout the whole 'platform/development'
  project from repo and still work on the NDK.

  This change is to help people easily package experimental NDK releases to
  test and distribute fixes and improvements.

- Remove bash-isms from build/tools/ Now it's possible to
  build it with the 'dash' shell on Debian-based systems (tested on Ubuntu 8.04)

- Remove bash-ism from build/tools/

- Refresh C library headers for all platforms:

    - make <endian.h> simply include <sys/endian.h>
    - make <stdint.h> properly declare 64-bit integer types with a C99 compiler
    - add missing <sys/types.h> to <strings.h>
    - add GLibc-compatible macro aliases (st_atimensec, st_mtimensec and
      st_ctimensec) to <stat.h>
    - add missing declaration for tzset() in <time.h>

- Added build/tools/, a script that allows you
  to download the toolchain sources from the official open-source repository
  at and nicely package them into a tarball that can
  later be used by build/tools/ to rebuild the prebuilt
  binaries for your system.

- Updated build/tools/ to support the tarballs generated
  by with the --package=<file> option. This
  also builds both gcc 4.2.1 and 4.4.0, adding support for armeabi-v7a to
  gcc 4.4.0.



- Fix build/ to:
  * execute as a Bourne shell script
  * remove unused host gcc dependency
  * improve Windows host auto-detection
  * add GNU Make version check
  * add Nawk/Gawk check
  * ensure that the script is run from $NDKROOT as build/
  * add --help, --verbose, --no-awk-check and --no-make-check options

- Properly add sysroot library search path at build time. This makes a line
  in like:

     LOCAL_LDLIBS := -lz

  Actually work correctly, instead of having the linker complaining that it
  could not find the corresponding library. Also clear LOCAL_LDLIBS
  in $(CLEAR_VARS) script.


- The 'sources' directory is gone. The NDK build system now looks for
  $(APP_PROJECT_PATH)/jni/ by default. You can override this with
  the new APP_BUILD_SCRIPT variable in

  For example, the 'hello-jni' sample uses the following files:


  The 'apps/<name>' directory is still needed in this release though.

- Change LOCAL_CFLAGS / LOCAL_CPPFLAGS to work as in the full Android build
  system. This means that:

    - LOCAL_CFLAGS   is now used for *both* C and C++ sources  (was only for C)
    - LOCAL_CPPFLAGS is now used for C++ sources only (was for both C and C++)
    - LOCAL_CXXFLAGS is used like LOCAL_CPPFLAGS but is considered obsolete.
      (will disappear in next release)

  Also fixed APP_CPPFLAGS / APP_CFLAGS / APP_CXXFLAGS correspondingly.

- Rename build/platforms/android-1.5 to build/platforms/android-3 to match
  the Android API level instead of the marketing speak.

  Also add a new build/platforms/android-4, and make the build system select
  which platform to use based on the content of the project file named

- Add OpenGL ES 1.x headers and libraries to the android-4 stable APIs.
  (NOTE: they are *not* available for android-3)

  Also provide a small port of the "San Angeles Observation" demo to show
  how to make a simple Android application that uses them.


- Ensure that the __ANDROID__ macro is always defined when building code
  with the NDK. Normally, the macro must be defined by the toolchain
  automatically to indicate that you're targetting the Android runtime.

  This works for the new arm-linux-androideabi toolchain, but there is
  a bug in the way we built the arm-eabi one, so add the flag manually
  through the NDK build script for it.

  Note that the ANDROID macro, is now deprecated. While it is still defined
  by the NDK, you should modify your code to test against __ANDROID__ instead!

- Generate thumb binaries by default.

- Add support for LOCAL_ARM_MODE in

- Add support for the '.arm' suffix in source file names to force the
  compilation of a single source in arm (32-bit) mode.

- Generate proper unoptimized versions of binaries when APP_OPTIM := debug

- Add support for LOCAL_C_INCLUDES in

- Fix compilation of assembler files (e.g. foo.S)

android-ndk-1.5_r1 released.