The Animal Quiz sample application

The animal quiz sample application is one of multiple samples showing what you can do with AndroMDA. In order to get the sources for this sample you are required to download an AndroMDA 3.x distribution.

This sample consists of a single use case generated using the following cartridges:

Tier Technology Cartridge
Persistence (Hibernate Cartridge) Hibernate 2.x andromda-hibernate-cartridge
Service/Business (Spring Cartridge) Spring 1.2.x andromda-spring-cartridge
Web Services Axis 1.2 (wrapped style) andromda-webservice-cartridge
Presentation Struts 1.2.4 andromda-bpm4struts-cartridge

Make sure to initialize your database by issuing maven create-schema at the command prompt. This will execute core/target/create-schema.sql which contains HSQLDB compatible DDL statements that will setup the required tables for the application. Please note that you might need to configure JBoss to allow TCP/IP connections to the embedded database. The schema can be dropped by issuing maven drop-schema which executes app/target/drop-schema.sql.

When playing the game the server will ask you to keep an animal in mind, it will keep guessing until it has exhausted its list of guesses.

The server will either try to guess your animal or ask a question so it can narrow down the list of possible animals. You will need to answer the question honestly (no cheating! :-) ).

There are two scenarios to a game-over. Either the server guesses your animal correctly or it fails in doing so. In the latter case the server will ask for your animal. It will propose you to enter the animal followed by a question that will distinguishes this animal from the last one guessed, this way it is able to use this animal in future games..

This application has been generated from a UML model modeled using MagicDraw 9.5 , you can find the model here , this file contains a zipped XMI 1.4.

A running instance of this sample has been put online for everyone to try out: .