package org.andromda.core.common;

import org.andromda.core.configuration.Namespaces;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;
import org.apache.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator;

 * This is the logger used to write <em>AndroMDA</em> prefixed messages so that our informational logging is nice
 * looking.
 * @author <a href="">Matthias Bohlen </a>
 * @author Chad Brandon
 * @author Bob Fields
 * @since 26.11.2003
public class AndroMDALogger
     * The default name to give the logger (if one isn't set)
    private static final String DEFAULT_LOGGER_NAME = "AndroMDA";
    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DEFAULT_LOGGER_NAME);

     * Configures logging for the AndroMDA application from the the xml resource "log4j.xml" found within the same
     * package as this class.
    public static void initialize()
        String defaultConfiguration = "log4j.xml";
        URL url = null;
        final String configuration = loggingConfigurationUri;
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(configuration))
                url = new URL(configuration);
                InputStream stream = url.openStream();

      "Logging configured from external source --> '" + configuration + '\'');
            catch (Throwable throwable)
                url = AndroMDALogger.class.getResource(defaultConfiguration);
                logger.warn("Invalid logging configuration uri --> '" + configuration + '\'');
        if (url == null)
            url = AndroMDALogger.class.getResource(defaultConfiguration);
        if (url == null)
            throw new RuntimeException(
                "Could not find default logging configuration file '" + defaultConfiguration + '\'');

     * The URI to an external logging configuration file.
    private static String loggingConfigurationUri = null;

     * Sets the URI to an external logging configuration file. This will override the default log4j.xml.
     * @param loggingConfigurationUri the URI to the logging configuration file.
    public static void setLoggingConfigurationUri(final String loggingConfigurationUri)
        AndroMDALogger.loggingConfigurationUri = loggingConfigurationUri;

     * Configures the Logger from the passed in logConfigurationXml
     * @param logConfigurationXml
    protected static void configure(final URL logConfigurationXml)
        catch (Exception ex)
            //noinspection UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr
                "Unable to initialize logging system " + "with configuration file '" + logConfigurationXml +
                "' --> using basic configuration.");

     * Retrieves the namespace logger (if one is available) otherwise returns the root logger.
     * @param namespaceName the name of the namespace for which we'll retrieve the logger instance.
     * @return the namespace or root logger instance.
    public static Logger getNamespaceLogger(final String namespaceName)
        Logger logger;
        if (namespaceName != null && !Namespaces.DEFAULT.equals(namespaceName))
            logger = Logger.getLogger(getNamespaceLoggerName(namespaceName));
            logger = Logger.getRootLogger();
        return logger;

     * Gets the name of the logger.
     * @param namespace the name of the namespace for which this logger is used.
     * @return the logger name.
    public static String getNamespaceLoggerName(final String namespace)
        return "org.andromda.namespaces." + namespace;

     * Gets the name of the file to which namespace logging output will be written.
     * @param namespace the name of the namespace for which this logger is used.
     * @return the namespace logging file name.
    public static String getNamespaceLogFileName(final String namespace)
        return "andromda-" + namespace + ".log";

     * Allows us to add a suffix to the logger name.
     * @param suffix the suffix to append to the logger name.
    public static void setSuffix(final String suffix)
        logger = getSuffixLogger(suffix);

     * Gets a logger with suffixed name
     * @param suffix the suffix to append to the logger name.
     * @return Logger instance
    public static Logger getSuffixLogger(final String suffix)
        return Logger.getLogger(DEFAULT_LOGGER_NAME + ':' + suffix);

     * Returns true if the logger is debug enabled. Use before AndroMDALogger.debug calls
     * where String concatenation or object manipulation in the method call occurs.
     * @return true if the underlying logger is debug enabled
    public static boolean isDebugEnabled()
        return logger.isDebugEnabled();

     * Resets the logger to the default name.
    public static void reset()
        logger = Logger.getLogger(DEFAULT_LOGGER_NAME);

     * Shuts down the logger and releases any resources.
    public static void shutdown()

     * @param object
    public static void debug(Object object)

     * @param object
    public static void info(Object object)

     * @param object
    public static void warn(Object object)

     * @param object
    public static void error(Object object)