Apache Authentication - ApacheCon 2005
  • Auth against arbitrary (dbi supported) database

    	AuthnDbiDriver         Server1  mysql
    	AuthnDbiHost           Server1  mycoolcatserver.com
    	AuthnDbiUsername       Server1  MyUser
    	AuthnDbiPassword       Server1  MyPass
    	AuthnDbiName           Server1  MyDatabaseName
    	AuthnDbiTable          Server1  MyDatabaseTable
    	AuthnDbiUsernameField  Server1  theUserNameField
    	AuthnDbiPasswordField  Server1  PasswordField
    	AuthnDbiIsActiveField  Server1  IsActiveField
    	AuthnDbiConnMin        Server1    3
    	AuthnDbiConnSoftMax    Server1   12
    	AuthnDbiConnHardMax    Server1   20
    	AuthnDbiConnTTL        Server1  600
          <Directory  "/path/to/htdocs/to/be/area_2_protected">
            AuthType Basic
            AuthName "basic authn_mysql testing area"
            AuthBasicProvider dbi
            AuthnDbiServerConfig Server1
            Require valid-user

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Forward to Access Control

ApacheCon 2005 : Apache Authentication - Slide #27 of 45