URL Mapping - ApacheCon 2005
Regular Expressions, examples
  • [Zz]ebra matches "Zebra" or "zebra"

  • Giraff?e matches "Giraffe" or "Girafe"

  • Spell?ing matches "Spelling" or "Speling"

  • Spel+ing matches "Speling", "Spelling", "Spellling", etc

  • Spel*ing matches "Speing", "Speling", "Spelling", "Spelling", etc

  • ab[cde]fg matches "abcfg", "abdfg" or "abefg"

  • ab[^c]d matches anything that starts with ab, followed by anything that is NOT c, followed by d.

  • etc ...

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ApacheCon 2005 : URL Mapping - Slide #14 of 45