Geronimo was started in the summer of 2003, by a new community formed by current and past contributors to projects like JBoss, OpenEJB, Jetty, Castor, and more. It originally started in the Apache Incubator, a home for projects that might one day become full Apache projects.
In late 2003, the Apache Software Foundation became the first open source licensee of the J2EE TCK for certification purposes. Geronimo is one of the Apache projects interested in TCK access. TCK testing of Geronimo began in 2004.
In May of 2004, the Geronimo project exited the Incubator and became a top-level Apache project.
In June 2005, the automated TCK test suite was passed in full for the first time.
After 5 milestone releases, Geronimo 1.0 is expected to be released in December 2005. The initial release is J2EE certified and feature-complete as far as core J2EE features go. Some ease of use features are still under active development, including the management console and IDE integration, and others are on the horizon including EJB3 support, but we're proud of our first full release and plan to continue to work hard to improve it.