3.4. Automated Installation Procedure


The automated install routine does not work correctly for the M4 release of Geronimo. It unpacks a number of files, but does not run the post-processing steps required to complete the installation.

To perform an automated installation you must have gone through the custom graphical installation once, and then saved a script on the last screen. With that, you can repeat the installation using a command like this:

java -jar geronimo-1.0-M4-installer.jar auto-install-file.xml

The last argument is the file you saved using the Generate an automatic installation script button on the final screen of the graphical installation. When you run the automated install, you'll get non-interactive text-mode output like this:

[ Starting automated installation ]
[ Starting to unpack ]
[ Processing package: Server (1/5) ]
[ Processing package: J2EE Features (2/5) ]
[ Processing package: JMX Console Web App (3/5) ]
[ Processing package: Demo Web Application (4/5) ]
[ Processing package: Sample Derby Database (5/5) ]
[ Unpacking finished. ]
[ Starting processing ]
Starting process Construct Server Executable (1/11)
[ Processing finished ]
[ Writing the uninstaller data ... ]
[ Automated installation done ]

Once you see the final "Automated installation done" message, Geronimo is installed and ready to go, in the same directory that was chosen during the original graphical installation.


The install script is a fairly self-explanatory XML file. If you want to change the installation directory, for example, just alter the value in the installpath element.