Advanced Geronimo

Table of Contents

18. GBeans: Adding New Services to Geronimo [EMPTY]
18.1. Introduction to GBeans
18.2. Developing GBeans
18.3. Configuring GBeans
18.4. Deploying GBeans
19. Overview of Core Geronimo Services [EMPTY]
19.1. The Configuration Store
19.2. The Persistent Configuration List
19.3. The Repository
19.4. The RMI Registry
19.5. JAAS Login Configuration
19.6. Thread Pool
19.7. Work Manager
19.8. Transactions
19.9. Web Container
19.10. EJB Container
19.11. EJB Remote Access
19.12. J2EE Management
19.13. JMX Remote Management
19.14. Application/Service Deployment
20. Management & Monitoring [EMPTY]
20.1. JSR-77 J2EE Management Features
20.2. The Geronimo Management API
20.3. JMX and JMX Management Tools