11.5. Forcing Web Application Deployment to Tomcat or Jetty

Typically, a web application deployment plan uses the format described above, and therefore it can be deployed in a Geronimo configuration running either Jetty or Tomcat as the web container. If container-specific settings are necessary, they can be located in the container-config element for one or both web containers (see Section 11.3.3, “Web Container-specific Configuration”).

However, in some cases, it may be desirable to restrict the web application to deploy only in Tomcat or only in Jetty. In that case, a different namespace should be used for the entire deployment plan, one of:

Additionally, instead of including a container-config element, any of the settings that would normally go in the tomcat or jetty elements within the container-config should just go directly into the web-app element of the deployment plan.

If the web deployment plan uses one of those namespaces, it will only be possible to deploy it in a Geronimo configuration containing the correct web container.


Since both Tomcat and Jetty are supported in Geronimo, it's strongly recommended that the portable deployment plan format be used (instead of the container-specific plans described here). The main reason to use these plan formats is to support a Geronimo stack contaning both Tomcat and Jetty, though as there is no Geronimo distribution that ships that way, you'd have to create such a stack yourself to begin with.

Example 11.6. Tomcat-only and Jetty-only Deployment Plans

This example shows a simple web app configuration, with a virtual host setting, as it would appear in a portable, Tomcat-only, and Jetty-only plan. Note that the virtual host settings normally appear in the container-config section of the plan, but in the non-portable cases, appear directly within the web-app element.

Portable geronimo-web.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!-- Note that a Tomcat HostGBean must be deployed in
           Geronimo that corresponds to this host name. -->

Jetty-Only geronimo-web.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Tomcat-Only geronimo-web.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <gbean name="MyVirtualHost"
  <attribute name="className">
  <attribute name="initParams">