Name Description Type Default Valid Values Importance
zookeeper.connectZookeeper host stringstringhigh to publish to ZooKeeper for clients to use. In IaaS environments, this may need to be different from the interface to which the broker binds. If this is not set, it will use the value for "" if configured. Otherwise it will use the value returned from
advertised.listenersListeners to publish to ZooKeeper for clients to use, if different than the listeners above. In IaaS environments, this may need to be different from the interface to which the broker binds. If this is not set, the value for "listeners" will be used.stringnullhigh
advertised.portThe port to publish to ZooKeeper for clients to use. In IaaS environments, this may need to be different from the port to which the broker binds. If this is not set, it will publish the same port that the broker binds to.intnullhigh
auto.create.topics.enableEnable auto creation of topic on the serverbooleantruehigh
auto.leader.rebalance.enableEnables auto leader balancing. A background thread checks and triggers leader balance if required at regular intervalsbooleantruehigh
background.threadsThe number of threads to use for various background processing tasksint10[1,...]high
broker.idThe broker id for this server. To avoid conflicts between zookeeper generated brokerId and user's config.brokerId added MaxReservedBrokerId and zookeeper sequence starts from MaxReservedBrokerId +
compression.typeSpecify the final compression type for a given topic. This configuration accepts the standard compression codecs ('gzip', 'snappy', lz4). It additionally accepts 'uncompressed' which is equivalent to no compression; and 'producer' which means retain the original compression codec set by the producer.stringproducerhigh
delete.topic.enableEnables delete topic. Delete topic through the admin tool will have no effect if this config is turned offbooleanfalsehigh
host.namehostname of broker. If this is set, it will only bind to this address. If this is not set, it will bind to all interfacesstring""high
leader.imbalance.check.interval.secondsThe frequency with which the partition rebalance check is triggered by the controllerlong300high ratio of leader imbalance allowed per broker. The controller would trigger a leader balance if it goes above this value per broker. The value is specified in percentage.int10high
listenersListener List - Comma-separated list of URIs we will listen on and their protocols. Specify hostname as to bind to all interfaces. Leave hostname empty to bind to default interface. Examples of legal listener lists: PLAINTEXT://myhost:9092,TRACE://:9091 PLAINTEXT://, TRACE://localhost:9093 stringnullhigh
log.dirThe directory in which the log data is kept (supplemental for log.dirs property)string/tmp/kafka-logshigh
log.dirsThe directories in which the log data is kept. If not set, the value in log.dir is usedstringnullhigh
log.flush.interval.messagesThe number of messages accumulated on a log partition before messages are flushed to disk long9223372036854775807[1,...]high
log.flush.interval.msThe maximum time in ms that a message in any topic is kept in memory before flushed to disk. If not set, the value in is usedlongnullhigh
log.flush.offset.checkpoint.interval.msThe frequency with which we update the persistent record of the last flush which acts as the log recovery pointint60000[0,...]high
log.flush.scheduler.interval.msThe frequency in ms that the log flusher checks whether any log needs to be flushed to disklong9223372036854775807high
log.retention.bytesThe maximum size of the log before deleting itlong-1high
log.retention.hoursThe number of hours to keep a log file before deleting it (in hours), tertiary to propertyint168high
log.retention.minutesThe number of minutes to keep a log file before deleting it (in minutes), secondary to property. If not set, the value in log.retention.hours is usedintnullhigh
log.retention.msThe number of milliseconds to keep a log file before deleting it (in milliseconds), If not set, the value in log.retention.minutes is usedlongnullhigh
log.roll.hoursThe maximum time before a new log segment is rolled out (in hours), secondary to propertyint168[1,...]high
log.roll.jitter.hoursThe maximum jitter to subtract from logRollTimeMillis (in hours), secondary to propertyint0[0,...]high
log.roll.jitter.msThe maximum jitter to subtract from logRollTimeMillis (in milliseconds). If not set, the value in log.roll.jitter.hours is usedlongnullhigh
log.roll.msThe maximum time before a new log segment is rolled out (in milliseconds). If not set, the value in log.roll.hours is usedlongnullhigh
log.segment.bytesThe maximum size of a single log fileint1073741824[14,...]high
log.segment.delete.delay.msThe amount of time to wait before deleting a file from the filesystemlong60000[0,...]high
message.max.bytesThe maximum size of message that the server can receiveint1000012[0,...]high
min.insync.replicasdefine the minimum number of replicas in ISR needed to satisfy a produce request with required.acks=-1 (or all)int1[1,...]high number of io threads that the server uses for carrying out network requestsint8[1,...]high number of network threads that the server uses for handling network requestsint3[1,...]high number of threads per data directory to be used for log recovery at startup and flushing at shutdownint1[1,...]high
num.replica.fetchersNumber of fetcher threads used to replicate messages from a source broker. Increasing this value can increase the degree of I/O parallelism in the follower broker.int1high
offset.metadata.max.bytesThe maximum size for a metadata entry associated with an offset commitint4096high
offsets.commit.required.acksThe required acks before the commit can be accepted. In general, the default (-1) should not be overriddenshort-1high
offsets.commit.timeout.msOffset commit will be delayed until all replicas for the offsets topic receive the commit or this timeout is reached. This is similar to the producer request timeout.int5000[1,...]high
offsets.load.buffer.sizeBatch size for reading from the offsets segments when loading offsets into the cache.int5242880[1,...]high
offsets.retention.check.interval.msFrequency at which to check for stale offsetslong600000[1,...]high
offsets.retention.minutesLog retention window in minutes for offsets topicint1440[1,...]high
offsets.topic.compression.codecCompression codec for the offsets topic - compression may be used to achieve "atomic" commitsint0high
offsets.topic.num.partitionsThe number of partitions for the offset commit topic (should not change after deployment)int50[1,...]high
offsets.topic.replication.factorThe replication factor for the offsets topic (set higher to ensure availability). To ensure that the effective replication factor of the offsets topic is the configured value, the number of alive brokers has to be at least the replication factor at the time of the first request for the offsets topic. If not, either the offsets topic creation will fail or it will get a replication factor of min(alive brokers, configured replication factor)short3[1,...]high
offsets.topic.segment.bytesThe offsets topic segment bytes should be kept relatively small in order to facilitate faster log compaction and cache loadsint104857600[1,...]high
portthe port to listen and accept connections onint9092high
queued.max.requestsThe number of queued requests allowed before blocking the network threadsint500[1,...]high
quota.consumer.defaultAny consumer distinguished by clientId/consumer group will get throttled if it fetches more bytes than this value per-secondlong9223372036854775807[1,...]high
quota.producer.defaultAny producer distinguished by clientId will get throttled if it produces more bytes than this value per-secondlong9223372036854775807[1,...]high
replica.fetch.max.bytesThe number of byes of messages to attempt to fetchint1048576high
replica.fetch.min.bytesMinimum bytes expected for each fetch response. If not enough bytes, wait up to replicaMaxWaitTimeMsint1high
replica.fetch.wait.max.msmax wait time for each fetcher request issued by follower replicas. This value should always be less than the at all times to prevent frequent shrinking of ISR for low throughput topicsint500high
replica.high.watermark.checkpoint.interval.msThe frequency with which the high watermark is saved out to disklong5000high
replica.lag.time.max.msIf a follower hasn't sent any fetch requests or hasn't consumed up to the leaders log end offset for at least this time, the leader will remove the follower from isrlong10000high
replica.socket.receive.buffer.bytesThe socket receive buffer for network requestsint65536high
replica.socket.timeout.msThe socket timeout for network requests. Its value should be at least replica.fetch.wait.max.msint30000high
request.timeout.msThe configuration controls the maximum amount of time the client will wait for the response of a request. If the response is not received before the timeout elapses the client will resend the request if necessary or fail the request if retries are exhausted.int30000high
socket.receive.buffer.bytesThe SO_RCVBUF buffer of the socket sever socketsint102400high
socket.request.max.bytesThe maximum number of bytes in a socket requestint104857600[1,...]high
socket.send.buffer.bytesThe SO_SNDBUF buffer of the socket sever socketsint102400high
unclean.leader.election.enableIndicates whether to enable replicas not in the ISR set to be elected as leader as a last resort, even though doing so may result in data lossbooleantruehigh
zookeeper.connection.timeout.msThe max time that the client waits to establish a connection to zookeeper. If not set, the value in is usedintnullhigh
zookeeper.session.timeout.msZookeeper session timeoutint6000high
zookeeper.set.aclSet client to use secure ACLsbooleanfalsehigh automatic broker id generation on the server? When enabled the value configured for should be reviewed.booleantruemedium
connections.max.idle.msIdle connections timeout: the server socket processor threads close the connections that idle more than thislong600000medium
controlled.shutdown.enableEnable controlled shutdown of the serverbooleantruemedium
controlled.shutdown.max.retriesControlled shutdown can fail for multiple reasons. This determines the number of retries when such failure happensint3medium
controlled.shutdown.retry.backoff.msBefore each retry, the system needs time to recover from the state that caused the previous failure (Controller fail over, replica lag etc). This config determines the amount of time to wait before retrying.long5000medium
controller.socket.timeout.msThe socket timeout for controller-to-broker channelsint30000medium
default.replication.factordefault replication factors for automatically created topicsint1medium
fetch.purgatory.purge.interval.requestsThe purge interval (in number of requests) of the fetch request purgatoryint1000medium
group.max.session.timeout.msThe maximum allowed session timeout for registered consumersint30000medium
group.min.session.timeout.msThe minimum allowed session timeout for registered consumersint6000medium which version of the inter-broker protocol will be used. This is typically bumped after all brokers were upgraded to a new version. Example of some valid values are: 0.8.0, 0.8.1,, 0.8.2,,,, Check ApiVersion for the full list.string0.9.0.Xmedium
log.cleaner.backoff.msThe amount of time to sleep when there are no logs to cleanlong15000[0,...]medium
log.cleaner.dedupe.buffer.sizeThe total memory used for log deduplication across all cleaner threadslong134217728medium
log.cleaner.delete.retention.msHow long are delete records retained?long86400000medium
log.cleaner.enableEnable the log cleaner process to run on the server? Should be enabled if using any topics with a cleanup.policy=compact including the internal offsets topic. If disabled those topics will not be compacted and continually grow in size.booleantruemedium cleaner dedupe buffer load factor. The percentage full the dedupe buffer can become. A higher value will allow more log to be cleaned at once but will lead to more hash collisionsdouble0.9medium total memory used for log cleaner I/O buffers across all cleaner threadsint524288[0,...]medium log cleaner will be throttled so that the sum of its read and write i/o will be less than this value on averagedouble1.7976931348623157E308medium
log.cleaner.min.cleanable.ratioThe minimum ratio of dirty log to total log for a log to eligible for cleaningdouble0.5medium
log.cleaner.threadsThe number of background threads to use for log cleaningint1[0,...]medium
log.cleanup.policyThe default cleanup policy for segments beyond the retention window, must be either "delete" or "compact"stringdelete[compact, delete]medium
log.index.interval.bytesThe interval with which we add an entry to the offset indexint4096[0,...]medium
log.index.size.max.bytesThe maximum size in bytes of the offset indexint10485760[4,...]medium
log.preallocateShould pre allocate file when create new segment? If you are using Kafka on Windows, you probably need to set it to true.booleanfalsemedium
log.retention.check.interval.msThe frequency in milliseconds that the log cleaner checks whether any log is eligible for deletionlong300000[1,...]medium
max.connections.per.ipThe maximum number of connections we allow from each ip addressint2147483647[1,...]medium
max.connections.per.ip.overridesPer-ip or hostname overrides to the default maximum number of connectionsstring""medium
num.partitionsThe default number of log partitions per topicint1[1,...]medium
principal.builder.classThe fully qualified name of a class that implements the PrincipalBuilder interface, which is currently used to build the Principal for connections with the SSL SecurityProtocol.classclass
producer.purgatory.purge.interval.requestsThe purge interval (in number of requests) of the producer request purgatoryint1000medium
replica.fetch.backoff.msThe amount of time to sleep when fetch partition error occurs.int1000[0,...]medium number that can be used for a broker.idint1000[0,...]medium
sasl.kerberos.kinit.cmdKerberos kinit command path.string/usr/bin/kinitmedium
sasl.kerberos.min.time.before.reloginLogin thread sleep time between refresh attempts.long60000medium list of rules for mapping from principal names to short names (typically operating system usernames). The rules are evaluated in order and the first rule that matches a principal name is used to map it to a short name. Any later rules in the list are ignored. By default, principal names of the form {username}/{hostname}@{REALM} are mapped to {username}. For more details on the format please see security authorization and acls.list[DEFAULT]medium
sasl.kerberos.service.nameThe Kerberos principal name that Kafka runs as. This can be defined either in Kafka's JAAS config or in Kafka's config.stringnullmedium
sasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.jitterPercentage of random jitter added to the renewal time.double0.05medium
sasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.window.factorLogin thread will sleep until the specified window factor of time from last refresh to ticket's expiry has been reached, at which time it will try to renew the ticket.double0.8medium protocol used to communicate between brokers. Valid values are: PLAINTEXT, SSL, SASL_PLAINTEXT, SASL_SSL.stringPLAINTEXTmedium
ssl.cipher.suitesA list of cipher suites. This is a named combination of authentication, encryption, MAC and key exchange algorithm used to negotiate the security settings for a network connection using TLS or SSL network protocol.By default all the available cipher suites are supported.listnullmedium
ssl.client.authConfigures kafka broker to request client authentication. The following settings are common:
  • ssl.client.auth=required If set to required client authentication is required.
  • ssl.client.auth=requested This means client authentication is optional. unlike requested , if this option is set client can choose not to provide authentication information about itself
  • ssl.client.auth=none This means client authentication is not needed.
stringnone[required, requested, none]medium
ssl.enabled.protocolsThe list of protocols enabled for SSL connections.list[TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1]medium
ssl.key.passwordThe password of the private key in the key store file. This is optional for client.passwordnullmedium
ssl.keymanager.algorithmThe algorithm used by key manager factory for SSL connections. Default value is the key manager factory algorithm configured for the Java Virtual Machine.stringSunX509medium
ssl.keystore.locationThe location of the key store file. This is optional for client and can be used for two-way authentication for client.stringnullmedium
ssl.keystore.passwordThe store password for the key store file.This is optional for client and only needed if ssl.keystore.location is configured. passwordnullmedium
ssl.keystore.typeThe file format of the key store file. This is optional for client.stringJKSmedium
ssl.protocolThe SSL protocol used to generate the SSLContext. Default setting is TLS, which is fine for most cases. Allowed values in recent JVMs are TLS, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2. SSL, SSLv2 and SSLv3 may be supported in older JVMs, but their usage is discouraged due to known security vulnerabilities.stringTLSmedium
ssl.providerThe name of the security provider used for SSL connections. Default value is the default security provider of the JVM.stringnullmedium
ssl.trustmanager.algorithmThe algorithm used by trust manager factory for SSL connections. Default value is the trust manager factory algorithm configured for the Java Virtual Machine.stringPKIXmedium
ssl.truststore.locationThe location of the trust store file. stringnullmedium
ssl.truststore.passwordThe password for the trust store file. passwordnullmedium
ssl.truststore.typeThe file format of the trust store file.stringJKSmedium
authorizer.class.nameThe authorizer class that should be used for authorizationstring""low
metric.reportersA list of classes to use as metrics reporters. Implementing the MetricReporter interface allows plugging in classes that will be notified of new metric creation. The JmxReporter is always included to register JMX statistics.list[]low
metrics.num.samplesThe number of samples maintained to compute metrics.int2[1,...]low
metrics.sample.window.msThe number of samples maintained to compute metrics.long30000[1,...]low
quota.window.numThe number of samples to retain in memoryint11[1,...]low
quota.window.size.secondsThe time span of each sampleint1[1,...]low
ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithmThe endpoint identification algorithm to validate server hostname using server certificate. stringnulllow
zookeeper.sync.time.msHow far a ZK follower can be behind a ZK leaderint2000low