Apache Struts 2 Documentation > Home
Added by savaki, last edited by Musachy Barroso on Aug 09, 2009  (view change)
Apache Struts 2 is an elegant, extensible framework for building enterprise-ready Java web applications. Distributions of Struts 2 are available as a free download under the Apache License.
To help keep the content up-to-date, we maintain the Struts 2 Documentation as a Confluence space, which is automatically exported to plain HTML. We serve the HTML version online and bundle it with the distribution. But don't let the wiki format fool you! There are over 600 pages of documentation in this space, easily the equivalent of a full length book. (Of course, actual books are also available!)

Getting Started

The documentation is grouped into four areas.

Tutorials Our tutorials are designed to help you get started with the framework ASAP. We offer an all-purpose "Bootstrap" tutorial as well as specialty tutorials on portlets and database access.
Guides Our in-depth technical guides focus on specific components of the framework, such as the Core framework, Struts Tags, and optional Extensions, as well as migrating from Struts 1 or WebWork 2.
FAQs and Cookbook Our FAQs and Cookbook examples provide a wide range of rapid-fire "HOWTOs" in question-and-answer format.
Security Bulletins Our security bulletins explain any security issues and their solutions
Other Resources Books, articles, and presentations about Struts 2.

Community Wiki

  • Struts 2 Wiki - The Struts 2 Wiki is a community-supported resource. To contribute to the wiki space, simply create an Confluence account. The wiki space is not bundled with the Struts 2 distribution, but it is still an exciting and valuable community resource!

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To suggest a change or a correction to any part of the documentation, log in and leave a comment on the appropriate page. We are always looking for help with the documentation!

Next: Tutorials