 *  call-seq:
 *     Array.new(size=0, obj=nil)
 *     Array.new(array)
 *     Array.new(size) {|index| block }
 *  Returns a new array. In the first form, the new array is
 *  empty. In the second it is created with _size_ copies of _obj_
 *  (that is, _size_ references to the same
 *  _obj_). The third form creates a copy of the array
 *  passed as a parameter (the array is generated by calling
 *  to_ary  on the parameter). In the last form, an array
 *  of the given size is created. Each element in this array is
 *  calculated by passing the element's index to the given block and
 *  storing the return value.
 *     Array.new
 *     Array.new(2)
 *     Array.new(5, "A")
 *     # only one copy of the object is created
 *     a = Array.new(2, Hash.new)
 *     a[0]['cat'] = 'feline'
 *     a
 *     a[1]['cat'] = 'Felix'
 *     a
 *     # here multiple copies are created
 *     a = Array.new(2) { Hash.new }
 *     a[0]['cat'] = 'feline'
 *     a
 *     squares = Array.new(5) {|i| i*i}
 *     squares
 *     copy = Array.new(squares)

static VALUE
rb_ary_initialize(argc, argv, ary)
    int argc;
    VALUE *argv;
    VALUE ary;
    long len;
    VALUE size, val;

    if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &size, &val) == 0) {
        RARRAY(ary)->len = 0;
        if (rb_block_given_p()) {
            rb_warning("given block not used");
        return ary;

    if (argc == 1 && !FIXNUM_P(size)) {
        val = rb_check_array_type(size);
        if (!NIL_P(val)) {
            rb_ary_replace(ary, val);
            return ary;

    len = NUM2LONG(size);
    if (len < 0) {
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "negative array size");
    if (len > 0 && len * (long)sizeof(VALUE) <= len) {
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "array size too big");
    if (len > RARRAY(ary)->aux.capa) {
        REALLOC_N(RARRAY(ary)->ptr, VALUE, len);
        RARRAY(ary)->aux.capa = len;
    if (rb_block_given_p()) {
        long i;

        if (argc == 2) {
            rb_warn("block supersedes default value argument");
        for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
            rb_ary_store(ary, i, rb_yield(LONG2NUM(i)));
            RARRAY(ary)->len = i + 1;
    else {
        memfill(RARRAY(ary)->ptr, len, val);
        RARRAY(ary)->len = len;

    return ary;