 *  call-seq:
 *     fix.id2name -> string or nil
 *  Returns the name of the object whose symbol id is <i>fix</i>. If
 *  there is no symbol in the symbol table with this value, returns
 *  <code>nil</code>. <code>id2name</code> has nothing to do with the
 *  <code>Object.id</code> method. See also <code>Fixnum#to_sym</code>,
 *  <code>String#intern</code>, and class <code>Symbol</code>.
 *     symbol = :@inst_var    #=> :@inst_var
 *     id     = symbol.to_i   #=> 9818
 *     id.id2name             #=> "@inst_var"

static VALUE
    VALUE fix;
    char *name = rb_id2name(FIX2UINT(fix));
    if (name) return rb_str_new2(name);
    return Qnil;