 *  call-seq:
 *     mtch.end(n)   => integer
 *  Returns the offset of the character immediately following the end of the
 *  <em>n</em>th element of the match array in the string.
 *     m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.")
 *     m.end(0)   #=> 7
 *     m.end(2)   #=> 3

static VALUE
match_end(match, n)
    VALUE match, n;
    int i = NUM2INT(n);

    if (i < 0 || RMATCH(match)->regs->num_regs <= i)
        rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "index %d out of matches", i);

    if (RMATCH(match)->regs->beg[i] < 0)
        return Qnil;

    return INT2FIX(RMATCH(match)->regs->end[i]);