 *  call-seq:
 *     extend_object(obj)    => obj
 *  Extends the specified object by adding this module's constants and
 *  methods (which are added as singleton methods). This is the callback
 *  method used by <code>Object#extend</code>.
 *     module Picky
 *       def Picky.extend_object(o)
 *         if String === o
 *           puts "Can't add Picky to a String"
 *         else
 *           puts "Picky added to #{o.class}"
 *           super
 *         end
 *       end
 *     end
 *     (s = Array.new).extend Picky  # Call Object.extend
 *     (s = "quick brown fox").extend Picky
 *  <em>produces:</em>
 *     Picky added to Array
 *     Can't add Picky to a String

static VALUE
rb_mod_extend_object(mod, obj)
    VALUE mod, obj;
    rb_extend_object(obj, mod);
    return obj;