 *  call-seq:
 *     mod.const_set(sym, obj)    => obj
 *  Sets the named constant to the given object, returning that object.
 *  Creates a new constant if no constant with the given name previously
 *  existed.
 *     Math.const_set("HIGH_SCHOOL_PI", 22.0/7.0)   #=> 3.14285714285714
 *     Math::HIGH_SCHOOL_PI - Math::PI              #=> 0.00126448926734968

static VALUE
rb_mod_const_set(mod, name, value)
    VALUE mod, name, value;
    ID id = rb_to_id(name);

    if (!rb_is_const_id(id)) {
        rb_name_error(id, "wrong constant name %s", rb_id2name(id));
    rb_const_set(mod, id, value);
    return value;