 *  call-seq:
 *     obj == other        => true or false
 *     obj.equal?(other)   => true or false
 *     obj.eql?(other)     => true or false
 *  Equality---At the <code>Object</code> level, <code>==</code> returns
 *  <code>true</code> only if <i>obj</i> and <i>other</i> are the
 *  same object. Typically, this method is overridden in descendent
 *  classes to provide class-specific meaning.
 *  Unlike <code>==</code>, the <code>equal?</code> method should never be
 *  overridden by subclasses: it is used to determine object identity
 *  (that is, <code>a.equal?(b)</code> iff <code>a</code> is the same
 *  object as <code>b</code>).
 *  The <code>eql?</code> method returns <code>true</code> if
    <i>obj</i> and <i>anObject</i> have the
 *  same value. Used by <code>Hash</code> to test members for equality.
 *  For objects of class <code>Object</code>, <code>eql?</code> is
 *  synonymous with <code>==</code>. Subclasses normally continue this
 *  tradition, but there are exceptions. <code>Numeric</code> types, for
 *  example, perform type conversion across <code>==</code>, but not
 *  across <code>eql?</code>, so:
 *     1 == 1.0     #=> true
 *     1.eql? 1.0   #=> false

static VALUE
rb_obj_equal(obj1, obj2)
    VALUE obj1, obj2;
    if (obj1 == obj2) return Qtrue;
    return Qfalse;