 *  call-seq:
 *     obj.to_a -> anArray
 *  Returns an array representation of <i>obj</i>. For objects of class
 *  <code>Object</code> and others that don't explicitly override the
 *  method, the return value is an array containing <code>self</code>. 
 *  However, this latter behavior will soon be obsolete.
 *     self.to_a       #=> -:1: warning: default `to_a' will be obsolete
 *     "hello".to_a    #=> ["hello"]
 *     Time.new.to_a   #=> [39, 54, 8, 9, 4, 2003, 3, 99, true, "CDT"]

static VALUE
    VALUE obj;
    rb_warn("default `to_a' will be obsolete");
    return rb_ary_new3(1, obj);