 *  call-seq:
 *     str.chomp(separator=$/)   => new_str
 *  Returns a new <code>String</code> with the given record separator removed
 *  from the end of <i>str</i> (if present). If <code>$/</code> has not been
 *  changed from the default Ruby record separator, then <code>chomp</code> also
 *  removes carriage return characters (that is it will remove <code>\n</code>,
 *  <code>\r</code>, and <code>\r\n</code>).
 *     "hello".chomp            #=> "hello"
 *     "hello\n".chomp          #=> "hello"
 *     "hello\r\n".chomp        #=> "hello"
 *     "hello\n\r".chomp        #=> "hello\n"
 *     "hello\r".chomp          #=> "hello"
 *     "hello \n there".chomp   #=> "hello \n there"
 *     "hello".chomp("llo")     #=> "he"

static VALUE
rb_str_chomp(argc, argv, str)
    int argc;
    VALUE *argv;
    VALUE str;
    str = rb_str_dup(str);
    rb_str_chomp_bang(argc, argv, str);
    return str;