 *  call-seq:
 *     str.tr(from_str, to_str)   => new_str
 *  Returns a copy of <i>str</i> with the characters in <i>from_str</i> replaced
 *  by the corresponding characters in <i>to_str</i>. If <i>to_str</i> is
 *  shorter than <i>from_str</i>, it is padded with its last character. Both
 *  strings may use the c1--c2 notation to denote ranges of characters, and
 *  <i>from_str</i> may start with a <code>^</code>, which denotes all
 *  characters except those listed.
 *     "hello".tr('aeiou', '*')    #=> "h*ll*"
 *     "hello".tr('^aeiou', '*')   #=> "*e**o"
 *     "hello".tr('el', 'ip')      #=> "hippo"
 *     "hello".tr('a-y', 'b-z')    #=> "ifmmp"

static VALUE
rb_str_tr(str, src, repl)
    VALUE str, src, repl;
    str = rb_str_dup(str);
    tr_trans(str, src, repl, 0);
    return str;