 *  call-seq:
 *     str[fixnum]                 => fixnum or nil
 *     str[fixnum, fixnum]         => new_str or nil
 *     str[range]                  => new_str or nil
 *     str[regexp]                 => new_str or nil
 *     str[regexp, fixnum]         => new_str or nil
 *     str[other_str]              => new_str or nil
 *     str.slice(fixnum)           => fixnum or nil
 *     str.slice(fixnum, fixnum)   => new_str or nil
 *     str.slice(range)            => new_str or nil
 *     str.slice(regexp)           => new_str or nil
 *     str.slice(regexp, fixnum)   => new_str or nil
 *     str.slice(other_str)        => new_str or nil
 *  Element Reference---If passed a single <code>Fixnum</code>, returns the code
 *  of the character at that position. If passed two <code>Fixnum</code>
 *  objects, returns a substring starting at the offset given by the first, and
 *  a length given by the second. If given a range, a substring containing
 *  characters at offsets given by the range is returned. In all three cases, if
 *  an offset is negative, it is counted from the end of <i>str</i>. Returns
 *  <code>nil</code> if the initial offset falls outside the string, the length
 *  is negative, or the beginning of the range is greater than the end.
 *  If a <code>Regexp</code> is supplied, the matching portion of <i>str</i> is
 *  returned. If a numeric parameter follows the regular expression, that
 *  component of the <code>MatchData</code> is returned instead. If a
 *  <code>String</code> is given, that string is returned if it occurs in
 *  <i>str</i>. In both cases, <code>nil</code> is returned if there is no
 *  match.
 *     a = "hello there"
 *     a[1]                   #=> 101
 *     a[1,3]                 #=> "ell"
 *     a[1..3]                #=> "ell"
 *     a[-3,2]                #=> "er"
 *     a[-4..-2]              #=> "her"
 *     a[12..-1]              #=> nil
 *     a[-2..-4]              #=> ""
 *     a[/[aeiou](.)\1/]      #=> "ell"
 *     a[/[aeiou](.)\1/, 0]   #=> "ell"
 *     a[/[aeiou](.)\1/, 1]   #=> "l"
 *     a[/[aeiou](.)\1/, 2]   #=> nil
 *     a["lo"]                #=> "lo"
 *     a["bye"]               #=> nil

static VALUE
rb_str_aref_m(argc, argv, str)
    int argc;
    VALUE *argv;
    VALUE str;
    if (argc == 2) {
        if (TYPE(argv[0]) == T_REGEXP) {
            return rb_str_subpat(str, argv[0], NUM2INT(argv[1]));
        return rb_str_substr(str, NUM2LONG(argv[0]), NUM2LONG(argv[1]));
    if (argc != 1) {
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 1)", argc);
    return rb_str_aref(str, argv[0]);