
ArangoDB is organizing its collection data in shards. Sharding allows to use multiple machines to run a cluster of ArangoDB instances that together constitute a single database. This enables you to store much more data, since ArangoDB distributes the data automatically to the different servers. In many situations one can also reap a benefit in data throughput, again because the load can be distributed to multiple machines.

Shards are configured per collection so multiple shards of data form the collection as a whole. To determine in which shard the data is to be stored ArangoDB performs a hash across the values. By default this hash is being created from _key.

To configure the number of shards:> db._create("sharded_collection", {"numberOfShards": 4});

To configure the hashing for another attribute:> db._create("sharded_collection", {"numberOfShards": 4, "shardKeys": ["country"]});

This would be useful to keep data of every country in one shard which would result in better performance for queries working on a per country base. You can also specify multiple shardKeys. Note however that if you change the shard keys from their default ["_key"], then finding a document in the collection by its primary key involves a request to every single shard. Furthermore, in this case one can no longer prescribe the primary key value of a new document but must use the automatically generated one. This latter restriction comes from the fact that ensuring uniqueness of the primary key would be very inefficient if the user could specify the primary key.

On which node in a cluster a particular shard is kept is undefined. There is no option to configure an affinity based on certain shard keys.

Unique indexes (hash, skiplist, persistent) on sharded collections are only allowed if the fields used to determine the shard key are also included in the list of attribute paths for the index:

shardKeys indexKeys
a a ok
a b not ok
a a, b ok
a, b a not ok
a, b b not ok
a, b a, b ok
a, b a, b, c ok
a, b, c a, b not ok
a, b, c a, b, c ok