The current release of this document is aimed at experienced users of UML in OOA&D (perhaps with other tools) who wish to transfer to ArgoUML.
Future releases will support designers who know OOA&D, and wish to adopt UML notation within their development process.
A long term goal is to support i) those who are learning design and wish to start with an OOA&D process that uses UML notation, and ii) people interested in modularized code design with a GUI.
The intention is that this document will provide a comprehensive guide, enabling designers to use ArgoUML to its full extent. It is in two parts.
A tutorial manual, showing how to work with ArgoUML
A complete reference manual, recording everything you can do with ArgoUML.
Version 0.22 of the document achieved the second of these.
In this guide there are some things you will not find, because they are covered elsewhere.
Descriptions of how ArgoUML works on the inside.
How to improve ArgoUML with new features and functions.
A trouble shooting guide.
A summary quick reference to using ArgoUML.
These are covered in the Developers Cookbook, the FAQ, and the Quick Guide.