Regardless of which methodology you use, at this time you are undoubtedly going to take the problem statement from Section 4.5, “ Case Study ” and extract the nouns from it. This list should be compacted to contain only those nouns that are expected to result in a class. This effort results in the following.
Audit trail
The project manager convenes a CRC session at which the initial set of classes are to be defined. The facilitator reminds the participants that we are in the analysis phase and are only interested in what needs to be done (at the business level) and are to leave out anything that smacks of how to do it. As a general rule of thumb this means a subset of the nouns from the problem statement (see above). The group starts with a complete list of all of the nouns in the statement, examines each one, and decides which are inappropriate crossing them off the list. Each class is then assigned to one of the participants.
to be continued...
To be written...
To be written...