The model elements in the ArgoUML model may be configured for displaying in the tree by a number of perspectives. To this end, a drop-down at the top allows selection of the explorer perspective.
Below that, there is a drop-down to select the ordering of the atifacts within the hierarchy. The two possibilities are "Order by Type, Name" and "Order by Name". The former groups all items per type, and sorts them per group alphabetically on the name. The lattter simply sorts on name only.
The following explorer perspectives may be selected in the drop-down at the top:
(the default). The
exploring hierarchy is organized by package hierarchy. The
top level shows the model. Under this are all the top level
packages in the model and all the model elements that are
directly in the namespace of the model.
Beneath each package are all the model elements that sit within the namespace of that package, including any further sub-packages (which in turn have their own sub-hierarchies).
Shows classes in their package hierarchy as well as
datatypes and use case diagram elements. Similar to the
Package-centric view but it doesn't show connecting or
associating elements.
. In this view the
top level comprises all the diagrams in the model. Beneath
each diagram is a flat listing of all the model elements on the
diagram. Model elements that have sub-model elements that do not
appear on the diagram have their own hierarchy (for example
attributes and operations of classes).
. In this view
the top level shows the model. Beneath this are all
model elements that have no generalization in the model. Those
model elements that have specializations have a sub-hierarchy
showing the specializations.
Class Associations
. In this view
the top level shows the model. Beneath this are all
diagrams and all classes. All classes that have
associations have a hierarchy tracking through the
associated classes.
. In this view
the model is shown at the top-level, with below it only
Nodes, and below these only components that reside on the
nodes, and below these components all elements that reside
on the components.
. In this view the
top level shows all the state machines and all activity
graphics associated with classes.
Beneath each state machine is a hierarchy showing the statechart diagram and all of the states. Beneath each state is a list of the transitions in and out of the state.
Beneath each activity graph is a hierarchy showing the activity diagram and all of the action states. Beneath each action state is a list of the transitions in and out of the action state.
. This is very
similar to State-centric
view, but under
each state machine is listed the diagrams and all
transitions on the diagram, with states being shown as
sub-hierarchies under their connected transitions.
Similarly under each activity graph is listed the diagrams and all transitions on the diagram, with action states being shown as sub-hierarchies under their connected transitions.
. In this
view, all modelelements are shown
according their composition in the UML metamodel.
This perspective shows far more modelelements then all others - it does not hide anything. Hence, this view is not so user-friendly, but very suited for the UML specialist.