AspectWerkz - Plain Java AOP



AspectWerkz is a dynamic, lightweight and high-performant AOP framework for Java. AspectWerkz offers both power and simplicity and will help you to easily integrate AOP in both new and existing projects. AspectWerkz utilizes runtime bytecode modification to weave your classes at runtime. It hooks in and weaves classes loaded by any class loader except the bootstrap class loader. It has a rich and highly orthogonal join point model. Aspects, advices and introductions are written in plain Java and your target classes can be regular POJOs. You have the possibility to add, remove and re-structure advice as well as swapping the implementation of your introductions at runtime. Your aspects can be defined using either an XML definition file or using runtime attributes.


• AspectWerkz for Dynamic Aspect-Oriented Programming (2004)
• Dynamic AOP and Runtime Weaving for Java - How does AspectWerkz Address It? (2004)
• AspectWerkz: A deeper view in the new "online mode" architecture
• Dynamic Aspect-Oriented Programming(AOP): SOA for the Application (2004)
• What are the key issues for commercial AOP use (2004)
• Annotation-Driven Aspect-Oriented Programming (2004)
• Dynamic Aspect-Oriented Programming With AspectWerkz (2004)
• Aspect-Oriented Programming in Java EE (2004)
• AspectWerkz - Dynamic AOP for Java (2003)


• AspectWerkz Homepage