
Let's use this ENUM list as an example (note that these examples exist in the DNS, and will hopefully remain in place as example destinations, but they may change or become invalid over time. The end result URIs are not guaranteed to actually work, since some of these hostnames or SIP proxies are imaginary. Of course, the tel: replies go to directory assistance for New York City and San Francisco...) Also note that the complex SIP NAPTR at weight 30 will strip off the leading "+" from the dialed string if it exists. This is probably a better NAPTR than hard-coding the number into the NAPTR, and it is included as a more complex regexp example, though other simpler NAPTRs will work just as well. 3600 IN NAPTR 10 100 "u"
     "E2U+tel" "!^\\+13015611020$!tel:+12125551212!" . 3600 IN NAPTR 21 100 "u"
     "E2U+tel" "!^\\+13015611020$!tel:+14155551212!" . 3600 IN NAPTR 25 100 "u"
     "E2U+sip" "!^\\+13015611020$!sip:[email protected]!" . 3600 IN NAPTR 26 100 "u"
     "E2U+sip" "!^\\+13015611020$!sip:[email protected]!" . 3600 IN NAPTR 30 100 "u"
     "E2U+sip" "!^\\+*([^\\*]*)!sip:\\[email protected]!" . 3600 IN NAPTR 55 100 "u"
     "E2U+mailto" "!^\\+13015611020$!mailto:[email protected]!" .

Example 1: Simplest case, using first SIP return (use all defaults except for domain name)

exten => 100,1,Set(foo=${ENUMLOOKUP(+13015611020,,,,loligo.com)})
  returns: ${foo}="[email protected]"

Example 2: What is the first "tel" pointer type for this number? (after sorting by order/preference; default of "1" is assumed in options field)

exten => 100,1,Set(foo=${ENUMLOOKUP(+13015611020,tel,,,loligo.com)})
  returns: ${foo}="+12125551212"

Example 3: How many "sip" pointer type entries are there for this number?

exten => 100,1,Set(foo=${ENUMLOOKUP(+13015611020,sip,c,,loligo.com)})
  returns: ${foo}=3

Example 4: For all the "tel" pointer type entries, what is the second one in the list? (after sorting by preference)

exten => 100,1,Set(foo=${ENUMLOOKUP(+13015611020,tel,,2,loligo.com)})
  returns: ${foo}="+14155551212"

Example 5: How many NAPTRs (tel, sip, mailto, etc.) are in the list for this number?

exten => 100,1,Set(foo=${ENUMLOOKUP(+13015611020,ALL,c,,loligo.com)})
  returns: ${foo}=6

Example 6: Give back the second full URI in the sorted list of all NAPTR URIs:

exten => 100,1,Set(foo=${ENUMLOOKUP(+13015611020,ALL,,2,loligo.com)})
  returns: ${foo}="tel:+14155551212"  [note the "tel:" prefix in the string]

Example 7: Look up first SIP entry for the number in the e164.arpa zone (all defaults)

exten => 100,1,Set(foo=${ENUMLOOKUP(+437203001721)})
  returns: ${foo}="[email protected]"  [note: this result is
  subject to change as it is "live" DNS and not under my control]

Example 8: Look up the ISN mapping in freenum.org alpha test zone

exten => 100,1,Set(foo=${ENUMLOOKUP(1234*256,,,,freenum.org)})
  returns: ${foo}="[email protected]"  [note: this result is subject
  to change as it is "live" DNS]

Example 9: Give back the first SIP pointer for a number in the

enum.yoydynelabs.com zone (invalid lookup)
exten => 100,1,Set(foo=${ENUMLOOKUP(1234567890,sip,,1,enum.yoyodynelabs.com)})
  returns: ${foo}=""

lmadsen 2010-01-14