
Login - Log a user into the manager interface.

   Action: Login
   Username: testuser
   Secret: testsecret

Originate - Originate a call from a channel to an extension.

   Action: Originate
   Channel: sip/12345
   Exten: 1234
   Context: default

Originate - Originate a call from a channel to an extension without waiting for call to complete.

   Action: Originate
   Channel: sip/12345
   Exten: 1234
   Context: default
   Async: yes

Redirect with ExtraChannel:

Attempted goal: Have a 'robot' program Redirect both ends of an already-connected call to a meetme room using the ExtraChannel feature through the management interface.

  Action: Redirect
  Channel: DAHDI/1-1
  ExtraChannel: SIP/3064-7e00 (varies)
  Exten: 680
  Priority: 1

Where 680 is an extension that sends you to a MeetMe room.

There are a number of GUI tools that use the manager interface, please search the mailing list archives and the documentation page on the http://www.asterisk.org web site for more information.

lmadsen 2010-01-14